for this discussion you are to view the video below and apply it to your chapter 11 12 and or 13 readings your response to the video must be thoughtful and demonstrate a clear and well integrated tie in to the chapter readings
For this discussion you are to view the video below and apply it to your chapter 11, 12, and/or 13 readings. Your response to the video must be thoughtful and demonstrate a clear and well integrated tie-in to the Chapter readings.
I like the variability in responses to this week’s discussion because it allows you and your classmates to understand and synthesize the concepts that you cover in these chapters, and decreases the possibilities of seeing your response duplicated in another’s post.
- Make sure that your writing flows well when you read it aloud.
- Do not start several sentences in a row with the same one or two words. Each discussion response must be at least 100 – 200 words
- All written work must be free of grammatical, punctuation and sentence structure errors.
- Please proofread all written work you submit, including discussions and correspondence with me and other students.
- Please do not copy discussion content from websites or other sources..
- If it is determined that you have used the work or words of another without citing the source (APA style only) you will receive 0 points and a warning for the first offense, and for additional repeated violations, will be referred to the VP or Dean of Student Services for disciplinary action.
Here is the Video