your opinion 67
Read each card and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree with it
- Explain what George Steiner’s statement means to you.
I interpreted George Steiner’s statement indicating that during the development of an agency forward planning allows preparedness for future events, but forward planning occurs when an individual must make a decision in the present that will produce results but also be effective in the future as society changes. Leaders and management are required to make decisions for the organization that produce positive results and factor in possible future changes or impacts when making a decision. Leaders and management must have long-term thinking in order for an organization to continue to effectively function as society changes.
- Determine the implications of failure to engage in forwarding planning using a specific criminal justice setting as a point of reference.
Forward planning allows management to be prepared when a situation arises. A rehabilitation center for troubled youth that have participated in criminal behavior but not convicted and placed within the rehabilitation center must engage in forwarding planning. While building the facility, parts of the facility should be separated for specific offenses and ages to prevent assault and liability. If a rehabilitation center has no organization and places offenders by age but ignores the offenses, will cause implications and increase the chance of assault. Placing all types of offenders together will also make rehabilitation difficult when using group therapy due to the various individual needs between the offenders.
- Layout three best practices for forwarding planning in a criminal justice context.
The management of the newly developed rehabilitation center for youth must plan for potentially violent or self-harming behavior and a way to protect the juveniles. Separate units could be built for specific age groups, sex, offense, and potential behaviors. A specific unit should be built for suicidal and homicidal individuals that offer one on one care and supervision to prevent danger. Management must plan for a program offered to the juveniles, by determining admission criteria, success criteria, and failure criteria, which allows the staff to follow a guideline when making decisions that relate to admission and discharge. Management must also plan for the event that the juveniles may run away from the facility and implement appropriate security protocols for staff to follow.
Explain what George Steiner’s statement means to you. In George Steiner’s quote, to me it means taking the current situation and information at hand, and taking action for what the event calls for at that moment. In doing so, there should be a plan of action set in place for the unknown and unforeseeable future within any agency or organization. As Steiner suggests in making better current decisions and to lay out opportunities is to avoid threats.(Dimitriou, n.d). In any given scenario, there should always be a plan at hand. If no plans or courses of action are set it place, this can surely end in disaster if there is a lack in communications between the constituents and/ or the stakeholders. I feel that if there is a plan in place, yet room enough to change a plan if need be if a situation calls for it without placing others at risk. Planning constitutes open communication among law enforcement agencies, constituents and also communities as well .
Determine the implications of failure to engage in forward planning using a specific criminal justice setting as a point of reference. From the horrific school shootings that we have all heard about and endured as a country to Hurricane Katrina in which we did the same , a lot is to be said about planning and having measures in place when incidents occur. There were many who dropped the ball when Katrina hit New Orleans , and it was very much downplayed. Again , communication is key between the stakeholders and the constituents . If there is a lag in response time this will without a doubt will lead to lives lost if there is not a plan in place. As it could lead to confusion and add more disruption than most likely there already is. I also think that having a plan in place , and as agencies work together they are working toward a common goal. If this is not in place , the right hand won’t know what the left hand is doing and chaos between agencies would almost be inevitable, where in which innocent bystanders could be affected by this.
Lay out three best practices for forward planning in a criminal justice context. In criminal justice , there are many factors to consider. But with that , three practices that can not only work in the CJ field, but in other organizations as well are: Commitment of the leadership. This is a key factor , and that is showing commitment to the constituents , the visions and goals. Plan for unexpected events . Being steps ahead , thinking outside of the box and ensuring everyone needed is involved and on the same page when planning. Style of Management This is of utmost important as well. An agency or organization cannot have a standoffish leader. Either one who does not communicate , nor involves those who need to be.The leader needs to have the confidence and the gusto to execute the planning, the details and the mission. (Zhao,2006).
Three areas that I feel that impact criminal justice leadership are ethical staff, updated technology, and trust between the public and law enforcement. Each of these areas are a staple of how effective leadership can be to do their jobs. If the criminal justice system continues to employ unethical personnel, then we won’t gain the trust of the public and we will lose a valuable resource as far as having additional help to solve crimes, report suspicious behavior, or even report possible terrorism plans. We also need to have up to date technology to assist criminal justice professionals. All across the country there are extreme shortages in law enforcement/correctional staff. Modern technology can take some of the stress of these individuals using things such as video to monitor inmates, or thermal energy technology to locate individuals. Ensuring we have ethical staff begins with the recruiting process. I realize that this is not the perfect solution, due to the fact we are all humans, and some of us will chose to go against the sworn oath. Implementation of up to date technology will come from forward thinking leaders that budget for it. Kouzes, J. M. & Posner, B. Z (2017), state that when there is a culture that was constructed around strong values, then we will find a countless number of leaders that will live the culture’s values. Gaining the trust of the public will be achieved by being out in the community more, instilling the values of the leadership, sand showing the positive things that law enforcement is doing. I think if we implement these things it will make for a safer nation and a more efficient criminal justice system.
- Identify three areas that impact criminal justice leadership, where progress still needs to be made in order to address current and future threats to criminal justice, homeland security, or emergency management.
Public relations, collecting and gathering information from witnesses, and use alternatives if force is to be used.
- Analyze the possible implications of failure to progress in the identified areas.
If there is failure to advanced. The public will need to count on themselves and work harder. According to Implementing 9/11Commission Recommendations Progress Report 2011. “Although the country has become a tight knit on making new efforts to improving safety, there is a possibility if information is known that it is not shared it can put a damper in the publics minds in which if they received information earlier a chaotic situation might decrease causalities.”(U.S. Department of Homeland Security. 2011).
- Explore implementation of measures to address future threats in the identified areas.
Identify threats whether its human, financial, technical, and political. Calculate potential risk factors at the beginning and end.
- Determine the specific impact these areas can have on your current or future profession.
The impacts might include positive and negative effects on how public views the fields in criminal justice. It can change perspectives on how others view the crime. One example might include having some officials apprehend a youth whom they know is guilty of stealing but after their apprehension the youth is released. Would individuals of whom the youth has stolen from understand and come to a realization that there is a reason the youth has not been off the streets?