write an article about sb159
Hello, I am writing an article about SB159, the intention of the article is to basically inform professional “clinical” pharmacists about SB159.
The paper must be informative from all aspects of SB159. I started the article and wrote some questions that you can tackle to help you write the letter. Your MAIN resource will be the bill in this link https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201920200SB159 Please use this as the major source for the information in the article, and use information that you search through https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/ to support your claims. PLEASE remember that everything you mention must be supported and PLEASE let me know where you get all your information from in case I need to refer back to them and add/reduce information.
Below is the start of my article and the questions for you to base your writing on:
What is SB159, generally?
There’s a bill moving through the California legislature hoping to expand access to powerful HIV prevention tools known as PEP and PrEP. Senate bill 159 (SB 159), introduced by Senator Scott Weiner of San Francisco,allows patients to accessa full course of PEP and limited supply of PrEPwithout a prescriptionfrom specially trained community pharmacists. It also prohibits insurance companies from requiring prior authorization for these medicationsor subjecting them to step therapy, and mandates that Medi-Cal establishthe furnishing of PEP and PrEP by a pharmacist as benefit.
Is there a need for protection from Prior Authorizations?
Medi-Cal Reimbursements?
Where did it come from?
What is in it?
How has it evolved and who was involved (including arguments for/against)?
How to get involved
Those are other resources that you could use to support your ideas, again, PLEASE let me know where you get every single paragraph to be able to refer to it.
There is no page limit, but it would be great if you could write around 1.5 pages. ALSO, please feel free to add information that you feel are relevant and I have not mentioned as part of my questions.
Again, this is an article so please try to write it in that form. Please include a work cited and Please let me know if you have any questions.