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Identify a healthcare problem you may want to assess (do a literature search). This topic should be of your interest and must be realistically achievable.
*Use the FIU library databases (Highly encouraged) https://library.fiu.edu/
To log in using your student ID and log in information.
Complete the following (see below) as your first assignment to start your research paper.
Write a 10-pg max 1st paper draft with the following sections
- Background & Introduction
- Purpose of study
- Research question
- Significance of study
Note: The first part of any research project is called a proposal. Every research project begins with an evaluation of a healthcare problem. Chose a research topic. This topic should be of your interest. Consult with the course instructor prior to starting your paper.
*If a student is using a qualitative research design, then you don’t have to access a public data file. Talk to the course instructor for further guidance.