warning initiative intervention 1
Submit your assignment, which required you to design a warning initiative or intervention as a means to enhance safety to curtail injuries and/or illnesses. The assignment should be submitted in APA format. Any graphics, figures, etc. should be included as Appendices. See the grading rubric prior to submission of your assignment.
You will need to select a particular product, chemical, hazard, task, etc. that you want to address within your workplace. If you are unable to perform this task in a workplace, select a product, chemical, hazard, task that is applicable to a specific population (gasoline – general public, radon – homeowners, magnets – parents of young children, etc.).
You will use the C-HIP Model to develop your warning initiative or intervention. You must provide details for each aspect of the model. You must detail the intervention or initiative that you intend to develop and you must provide justification. This should be done for all aspects of the model. Thus, you should discuss and justify the source of the risk information and you should detail the media and channel as to how the warning will be presented and why (justify). You need to address all aspects of the receiver. In your justification be sure to incorporate theoretical concepts and principles from the content learned in the module associated with sensation, perception, and information processing. Lastly, discuss the intended behavior that should be produced from the initiative or intervention.
After this information is presented, you should detail a strategy as to how you plan to evaluate your initiative or intervention. You should address process evaluation, impact evaluation, and outcome evaluation within your evaluation plan (this may require some additional research as to what should be included in these evaluation measures). The following sources will provide guidance as to definitions for the types of evaluations and items that need to be assessed in each aspect of the evaluation.