uppp 4 intro to urban study
Midterm Exam 1: Introduction to Urban Studies (UPPP 4)
Directions: All students are required to choose between one of the following two
essay options. Answers should be approximately one to two pages long (double space,
12-point font and 1-inch margins). The paper cannot exceed two pages (this does not
include the bibliography).
You are expected to use as many readings as possible to support your answers. We
are assessing you on your knowledge of course materials (lectures and readings).
Please use standard citations1 and include a bibliography. Please submit only in
MS Word or PDF (not Pages or Google Docs).
Due Wednesday, January 29 at 9:00 a.m. through Canvas. All exams are processed
through Turnitin for plagiarism.
Instructions: Your answers must be written in a standard essay format consisting of
a short introduction with a thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, and a
conclusion. The essay must address the three parts of the general prompt. Good
Essay Option 1: What makes urban environments unique?
1a. What were the attributes that made “urban†environments different from small
1b. How did the attributes of urban environments shape human relations and
1c. . Identify the mechanisms that make cities more prone to freedom than other
Essay Option 2: Segregating People in Urban Space
2a. What were the principal forces causing cities to segregate by race and social
class over the 20th century?
2b. How did suburbanization exacerbate segregation?
2c. How did stigmatized and spatially segregated people (e.g. people of color, gays
and lesbians,…) develop their own urban worlds?