trusted logistics
Part 1
Deliverable Length: 12 pages (A cover page and a reference page are required) for parts 1 & 2
a portion of the logistics and supply management plan for an
organization. This portion of the plan should address planning for
uncertainty. The plan must include the following components:
* Write a
detailed strategic plan for handling hazardous logistics and natural
disasters. Provide vivid examples for items such as toxins, floods,
tornadoes, or landslides.
* Give a detailed description of how to
cooperate with civil militaries. Provide at least 3 examples, and
discuss potential scenarios.
* Give a detailed description of how to
develop and maintain trust. Provide at least 3 examples. In addition,
provide 2 methods of mitigation in the event the trust is broken.
Part 2
Complete your logistics and supply management plan by addressing the following components:
* Disaster impact and country logistics performance
* Designing postdisaster supply chains
Part 3
Complete outline of all work