Topic 1 DQ 1 Since the coronavirus started spreading throughout the United States
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Topic 1 DQ 1
Since the coronavirus started spreading throughout the United States, there has been a direct impact on health care employment. Several health care facilities have been overwhelmed by COVID-19 cases which has impact staffing; A variety of issues has impacted the decision by some nurses to quit their jobs. These include concerns regarding the adequacy of supplies to maintain safety and prevent illness during the coronavirus, stress from workload on units heavily affected by the number of COVID patients, emotional strain and negative mental health outcomes, and a need to stay home and care for ‘out-of-school’ children (Bowden, 2021).
one way that the nursing profession is currently working toward a resolution of this problem of nursing shortages is by offering bonuses to nurses who sign up to work there, different facilities has been using this tool to make nurses apply to work, and in the facility where I work, management has increased nurses pay in order to motivate nurses. Also. Identification of benefits that would keep nurses in the profession and in a particular work setting can be a great resolution (Nevidjon & Erickson, 2001).
Using 200-300 words APA format with at least two references to support this discussion.
Discuss the events that have contributed (or will continue to contribute) to the nursing shortage, or that contribute to a shortage in a region or specialty. Discuss at least one way that the nursing profession is currently working toward a resolution of this problem. In replies to peers, offer different examples of how the nursing shortage has been addressed in your state, community, or specialty area.
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