A literature review is a survey study conducted on the literature for a specific topic Includes
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A literature review is a survey study conducted on the literature for a specific topic. Includes texts, articles, research studies, and/or thesis. The literature review is used to write and describe a specific topic and support the argument of the writer with the literature statements. A literature review makes a paper accurate and relevant.
Activity Instructions
Topic: US Healthcare Reform–Affordable Care Act
1. Conduct a literature review about the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).
2. Write a paper about that topic with your arguments and support them with the literature. This Is Not an essay. It is a Literature Review. Review the topic in the literature and support your arguments, statements, ideas of the topic.
3. Among your statements include Obamacare pros and cons, according to your point of view.
4. Remember to use strict APA citation and format style in your paper. If you use direct information or quote, remember to do the corresponding citation.
5. Criteria; minimum of 500 words and at least 3 primary references. Primary references are articles, journals, books…, sources that you can cite as an accurate reference.
6. SafeAssign Tool will be activated.
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