Course Outcomes This assignment enables the student to meet the following course
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Course Outcomes
This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:
CO1: Examine the sources of knowledge that contribute to professional nursing practice. (PO#7)
CO2: Apply research principles to the interpretation of the content of published research studies
(PO#4 & 8)
CO 3: Identify ethical issues common to research involving human subjects. (PO#6)
CO 4: Evaluate published nursing research for credibility and clinical significance related to evidence based practice. (PO#4 & 8)
CO 5: Recognize the role of research findings in evidence-based practice. (PO#7 & 8)
· The presentation will be graded on the following elements per the rubric: (see next page)
Power Point Format/Appearance
Power Point Slide Content
· Submit Group EBP Presentation PPs in Canvas by 11:59 PM Friday
Presentation Guidelines
· Each group will have a 10-15 minute presentation to your peers.
· Introduce your group members
· Briefly explain your research topic, overview/significance of problems of topic, and its clinical importance
· Summarize each study concisely.
· Synthesize the findings of your group literature: Was your question answered by the reviewed articles?
· Discuss implications for nursing practice and future research.
· Invite your audience to ask questions and be prepared to answer them.
· Maintain a poised, confident, professional demeanor throughout the presentation.
PRESENTATION (95 points)
· Explains research topic/question, purpose of project, overview and significance of problem
· Present each study and synthesized findings/evidences
· Presents and nursing implications clearly and logically
· Logically, smoothly, and comprehensively presents the contents
· Invites audience questions & responds to questions with knowledge
· All group members are introduced, and participated in presentation
· Group stays in allotted time limit of 10-15 minutes
· Vocal Delivery: present good volume, pitch and inflection, and professional style for all group members
· Physical delivery: professional dress, good posture, eye contact with audience, and all group members enthusiastic
Power Point Format/Appearance (50 points)
· Scales to rate the slides on a scale of 2-10
(2=Strongly Disagree; 4= Disagree; 6=Neutral; 8= Agree; 10=Strongly Agree)
Title slide has Topic and all group members included/listed
Words are easy to read from an appropriate distance (3-5 feet)
Each slide is well organized and easy to follow
Pictures, Tables, and Colors are helpful in enhancing presentation
Slide limit: 10-12 inclusive of Introduction and References (APA format, 7th ed.)
Content (70 points)
Content is clear and easy to understand
Purpose of research project is stated clearly
Group research question is stated clearly
Study Summary: Research design/sample size/methods were concisely summarized
Results were concisely described
Synthesis of study findings were clearly stated
Nursing Implications: clinical application/importance was clearly stated
Timely Nursing Writers