this is only the outline right now and my topic i choose
Topic #1:
Does God exist?
It has been said that America is one of the most religious countries in the world. Indeed, Gallup
poll indicates that a little over 8 Americans in ten believe in God. As usual, Philosophy urges you
to question the assumption underlying such a belief. Hence the following question: “Does God
Your paper should be no less than 10 page long, on top of the bibliography page, the end-notes,
and the Paper Outline copy attached to the 10 pages of text as first page.
1. Outline your paper clearly.
2. Submit the paper
along with
your outline (attached).
3. The length of your essay should be a minimum of
10 pages
of text,
1 page
of End-Notes and, at
5 Works Cited.
4. State clearly your thesis.
5. Proceed with argumentation step by step and clearly
6. Backing up (or documenting) your basic arguments (claims)
7. If appealing to the authority of philosophers (authors), be critical, always specifying whatever
you’re agreeing with and to what extent.
8. Use MLA style. Get a sample of the MLA writing style at the front desk in the library on
Liberty Campus.
9. Take a look at the paper writing sample provided by the instructor.
10. Do not miss the deadline indicated on the course schedule.