the global challenge of refugees and migrant
Answer the following questions regarding your specific country of concern: (1.5 points per detailed answer)
- What type of political regime is in your country of concern? What is the ethnic, racial, and religious make-up of your country of concern?
- What is the political and economic environment of your country of concern with respect to corruption and rule of law? Outline in detail.
- What is the social and cultural environment of your country of concern with respect to inclusive behavior, equity, racism, and xenophobia for citizens? Outline in detail.
- Is there a violent and/or non-violent conflict occurring in a neighboring state? And is there a violent and/or non-violent conflict occurring in your country of concern? Outline in detail.
- International Model United Nations Association Profiles
- The Economist (Links to an external site.)
- Crisis Watch (Links to an external site.)
- Global Peace Index 2019
- Freedom House – Eurasia
- Fragile States Index
No direct quotes only indirect (paraphrase)… cite your indirect quotes.
Please note that a core proficiency of this course is critical thinking and analysis. Critical thinking requires students to think through situations, facts, and issues in an open-minded and objective way in an effort to analyze and evaluate information in an informed manner.
All assignments for this course require adherence to these specifications:
- Font style: Times New Roman; Font size: 12
- 1-inch margins on all sides of the document
- Double spacing throughout the write-up
- Separate reference page
- Only APA citation style or Chicago citation style; all write-ups require citations and a separate reference page with the list of readings used.
- Failure to cite any paraphrased (avoid direct quotes) materials used will result in an automatic zero for the assignment.
- All assignments must be submitted in MS Word (.doc) format. Failure to comply will result in the assignment being counted as a non-submission.