the basics of decisions and decision making
Research and read an articles on supervision and leadership concepts and summarize it as a one-page report.
Type your Article Abstract using a word processing program. If using a program other than Microsoft Word, then save the file as Rich Text Format. Use 12-point font (nothing smaller); preferred typefaces are Tahoma, Arial, or Calibri. Each abstract should contain a single spaced text & header placed in the upper left hand corner which includes: Date, Student Name, Article Abstract #, Title of Article, Author(s) of Article, Source of Article and the date which article written.
Learning Objectives
Upon Successful completion of this week’s content, the students will be able to:
1. Evaluate why Sound Decision Making is important for supervisors.
2. Compare and contrast Programmed and Non-programmed Decisions.
3. With regards to decision making in practice, distinguish rational decision makers from others.
4. Identify and explain the steps a supervisor can follow to develop sound decision-making skills.
5. Explain how to improve decision quality.
6. Describe how information technology tools can help supervisors make decisions.
7. Explain how you can avoid psychological traps when making decisions.