sociology exercise1
In this exercise, you will get a chance to use census data and create an easy-to-read table. You will be creating a demographic portrait of the census tract where your family lives. This should be your home address, not a school address, unless you have no U.S. address apart from UCI. You may insert pictures (your own, if you have them, or Google Earth) or census maps to give a sense of the census tract, which is a proxy for the idea of neighborhood. Now create a table comparing the average demographic characteristics of your neighborhood to the average characteristics of your state (for most of you, this is California). Is your neighborhood as racially or ethnically diverse as the state itself? Are the residents of your neighborhood as rich or educated as the state average? Summarize your findings. Your write-up, including the table, should run about three double-spaced pages, excluding any supporting photographs or maps. Be sure to say whether the boundaries of the census tract feel like the boundaries of what you think of as your neighborhood. If they are the not the same, explain why you think that.