security architecture amp design assignment 3 amp discussion 3
I need 2 different Documents as one is for the discussion and the other one is for Assignment and both should be plagiarism free
I have attached the PPT just for reference:
Discussion Topic:
Length: Minimum of 400 words
Total points: 10 points
Due date: Sunday, January 26, 2020
Students will be required to create 1 new thread, and provide substantive comments on at least 3 threads created by other students. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
What happens when we place the authentication system in our demilitarized zone (DMZ)—that is, in the layer closest to the Internet? What do we have to do to protect the authentication system? Does this placement facilitate authentication in some way? How about if we move the authentication system to a tier behind the DMZ, thus, a more trusted zone? What are the implications of doing so for authentication performance? For security?
Length: Minimum of 600 words
Total points: 10 points
Due date: Sunday, January 26, 2020
Submission Title: [yourname]_ISOL536_Spring2020Main_Week3_Assignment.docx
Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
System architecture is the descriptive representation of the system’s component functions and the communication flows between those components.
My definition immediately raises some important questions.
• What are “components�
• Which functions are relevant?
• What is a communication flow?