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portfolio peer review 2

For this assignment I’d like you to read your assigned peer reviews, offering any notes you see fit within the comments section on the ePortfolio pages. You can make any comments you like, but you should be on the lookout especially for aspects of the Reflexive Introduction that are confusing to you, or require more […]


discussion 1 3 5

Web access book only on Pearson. I have the login information at your request. In the Textbook: Chapter 3: Recognizing Opportunities and Generating Ideas Chapter 4: Feasibility Analysis Discussion #1: Describe the opportunity for your business plan. Then, provide constructive feedback to at least two of your classmates’ about the opportunities they described. Discussion #2: […]


interview summary 1

directions : Write a 2 page summary of interview findings based on notes from all team members in the file exchange area. (Bullet Point #2) • Write 1 page on interview reflection. Select 2 resources for leadership development (Bullet Points #5 and #6) #5 Reflections on Team Process. Include a thoughtful discussion and evaluation of […]


answer the question in requirements section

Read the attached document before starting the discussion. First complete a questionnaire and then evaluate your results. Here is a questionnaire for you to take on your “Influencing Style”. Provide feedback on how it relates to you and your style. How might you use your style with organization management? How does your style prepare you […]


paper on analysis on food security

Hello, I need help in writing. Please, follow all the instructions below and follow the rubric as well! The members of the United Nations found great value in the analysis you provided on the effects of global warming that result from population growth. They are now asking you write an additional analysis to include further […]


this is a research paper 3

Please check the file “paper guidelines” for all requirements for this paper. Minimum 2000 words. Please use at least one source I upload to support your argument. Please use 5 minimum scholarly sources. Please follow all requirements! I wrote a proposal for this paper. I chose marriage this topic. Please check the file “research paper […]


prepare an online posting based on the case study prepared in the previous assignment the posting should include relevant background information a discussion of the individual s current symptoms whether the client meets criteria for substance abuse or 1

Prepare an online posting based on the case study prepared in the previous assignment. The posting should include relevant background information, a discussion of the individual’s current symptoms, whether the client meets criteria for substance abuse or dependence, and a discussion of risk and protective factors. The posting should clearly outline your paper. Students will […]


week 10 final portfolio submission

Week 10 Assignment: Final Portfolio Submission Click here to submit your final Professional Portfolio. You may submit the final portfolio in one of three ways: LinkedIn PowerPoint presentation MS Word document Important: Incorporate all feedback from your instructor on each portfolio item. Additionally, consider and revise per peer review suggestions in last week’s discussion. For […]


incorporating research

Motivation and job satisfaction can be built-in to a job for the most part, based on known research in this area. In this Discussion, you have the opportunity to both do some of your own research as well as apply existing research to a past or current job of your own. Do some research in […]