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respond with a paragraph citations and references 79

It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span. Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. M., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your […]


mee 5801 industrial and hazardous waste management

Instructions As a continuation of our course project due in Unit VIII (a proposal for an industrial and hazardous waste treatment facility), complete the next (fifth) section (biological and secondary treatment) of your proposal by following the instructions carefully, and then submit your continued draft of your proposal into Blackboard for grading. Instructions: Closely read […]


complete your flyers in indesign 1

You have been asked by a client to create two different options for a flyer for the upcoming county fair. You will demonstrate your ability to use Adobe InDesign,Photoshop, and Illustrator to create your flyers from a master page. In addition to submitting your final versions of the flyers, you will submit all of your […]


com 510 assignment 3

VERBAL COMMUNICATION Due Week 10, worth 220 points From quick conversations to phone calls, meetings, formal presentations, and sales pitches, you must employ effective verbal communication skills at all times. While verbal interactions are extremely common, they can also be stressful. Every interaction contains the potential for success…and the danger of failure. To be “on […]


week 6 discussion 1 initial post discussion

Rebuttals and Refutations Initial Post Instructions Part 1: Research & Review Review this week’s lesson and reading. Find an academic source to back up your opposition’s point of view. This is a new source, in addition to the source you located last week. Part 2: Application Anticipating readers’ objections is one way to determine what […]


2 peer review

I need you to review the attached drafts and make suggestions to improve them, as well as answering the following questions: After submitting your draft, choose 2 peers’ draft to review.Read as many drafts as you can and choose two drafts that have not yet received any feedback to respond to in detail. NOTE: To […]


living will 2

Competency Analyze ethical and legal dilemmas that healthcare workers may encounter in the medical field. Instructions You have recently been promoted to Health Services Manager at Three Mountains Regional Hospital, a small hospital located in a mid-size city in the Midwest. Three Mountains is a general medical and surgical facility with 400 beds. Last year […]


bus503 discussion board

Discussion: Uber: A Broken Culture Previous Next Week 1: Uber: A Broken Culture The upbeat tag line at the transportation company Uber’s website (“Get there, your day belongs to you”) stands in stark contrast with the company that has experienced multiple scandals over the past several months: the company’s culture of sexism, a legal battle […]