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discussion replies 27

I need three replies to the student’s post that I will have below. First I will list the question, then I will list their posts. Please make each post 100-150 words. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO ONLY USE THE SOURCES I PROVIDE IN THE ATTACHMENTS. Please create separate reference sections for each reply. ORIGINAL QUESTION […]


femst 150 sex love and romance 8

This 2000-2500-word (approximately 5-7 double-spaced pages) research paper must directly relate to course concepts and take into account TA feedback on the proposal. Your paper must include an introduction, conclusion, minimum of 5 in-text citations, a bibliography, a thesis statement, and evidence that advances your argument throughout the paper. You are welcome to use non-academic […]


assessment design and implementation

GRADING RUBRIC MUST BE FOLLOWED TO THE LETTER Instructions Part 1: Fieldwork Develop assessments aligned to objectives for your educational setting. Design two exemplar assessments. The design of these assessments may be similar to those you already use in your own teaching practice or may differ from what you are currently using—as long as each […]


coaching and mentoring 1 2 paragraph response on 2 classmate s discussion posts

Discussion: Coaching and Mentoring Skills Throughout this course, you have learned how important performance management is for both employees and organizations. You have also explored how important a well-designed performance management program is to ensuring an organization’s success. Part of its success also relies on the ability of the manager to have the skills necessary […]


5 2 final project milestone two and 7 1 final project submission

Instructions for 5-2 Final Project Milestone Two In Milestone Two, you will continue working on your final project by researching, drafting, and submitting two more sections of the project: the network security posture recommendations and the implementation solutions. To complete this assignment, review the following documents: Final Project Guidelines and Rubric Milestone Two Guidelines and […]


genetically modified foods 1

In the Week 3 Assignment, you engaged in a case analysis of a current business problem using some of the components of an argumentative essay. In this written assignment, you will write a complete argumentative essay as described in Sections 9.1 and 9.2 of With Good Reason: A Guide to Critical Thinking (Foster, Hardy, & […]


presentation of assignment 2 2

Hello, need to do the PowerPoint. Please, follow all the instructions below and see the attached rubric and Assignment 2. In this assignment, you will use information from Assignment 2, and pricing and promotional information, to create a PowerPoint presentation. Imagine that you are creating this presentation to promote your new business idea to investors […]


cpp response to final project outline

Using 100 words or more please provide meaningful feedback to the following Final Project Outline. Your feedback is most helpful if you not only point out weak areas but also offer suggestion for improvement. The best feedback takes a three-stage approach to identify what was done well, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Final Project Outline […]


review posts

Provide feedback to the two post, demonstrate more depth and thought than simply stating “I agree” or “You are wrong.” Reference scholarly or peer-reviewed sources to support your points, as appropriate (using proper citation methods).