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ethics db 1

Discussion: Turnitin, High Similarity Score, Plagiarism …… “Oh, my!” Previous Next In this first discussion, we will take a look at the Trident’s Academic Integrity Policy and the importance of paraphrasing and citing sources. Labeled for reuse. Where is the Turnitin Similarity Report for a Submitted Assignment? Review the following help video showing how […]


impacts on research and findings

Week 1 has been submitted and week 2 will be and to the same paper: see below Update the previously completed sections based on instructor feedback. (This part can not be done until I get feedback from the first paper) New Content (Week 2) Research Methodology Compare and contrast at least 5 current articles on […]


assignment 3 144

Assignment 3: Training Design Refer to the Scenario for Assignments 1-5.The next step in the training process is to design the training.When designing the training program for your organization, consider the following questions: ï‚· Why is the training needed? ï‚· How does the training support the organization’s strategic plan (mission, vision, goals)?ï‚· Who will be […]


eng102 mh v3 topic 10 classification

Writing Assignment: Classification Essay You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You should always avoid focusing solely on the grader’s DRAFT feedback; use the feedback as a supplement to the […]


drug testing 3

Use the doc labelled as “week3 information” to complete the template that’s in the doc attached labelled as “library sources annotated bibliography template”. I also provided the feedback from the first assignment regarding the research question. Proper APA format for each source