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Managerial Finance

Mr. Santa – a poor young man has grown up in the vicious state of poverty. These days, he has a small family containing his 2 kids and a wife. Being an uneducated man, he has no respectable livelihood for himself and his poor family. Recently, he has come to know that the local government […]


1 how can blockchain increase human resource management efficiencies 2 how and why is blockchain a disruptive technology in human resource management

Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies! Discuss the following questions: 1. How can blockchain increase human resource management efficiencies? 2. How and why is blockchain a disruptive technology in human resource management? You are required to cite this week’s assigned readings in your paper. You may also cite […]



REL World View Chart Assignment REL DQ Christianity or Christianities? After reading the weekly materials and the Instructor’s Insights, please respond to the following: There are four gospels in the New Testament. Why not just one? Why did the Church split into the Roman Catholic Church and the Orthodox Church in 1054? What caused the […]


discussion questions after watching a video

You will then have an opportunity to ask some scientific questions of your own. Using the news story you chose in learning block 1-2 and the natural science topic and supporting evidence you identified, complete the following: Develop two questions that might be of interest to a natural scientist based on the information presented in […]


presenting outdoor and indoor play

Presenting Outdoor and Indoor Play In this assignment, you will design outdoor and indoor play areas using photos you take yourself or from the Web. You will develop a slide presentation showcasing your play areas and a rationale for each piece of equipment/other materials you select based on early childhood principles, guidelines, and standards related […]


build your resume for success 1

Assignment Content Use your internet browser to search for current positions in your prospective job field. Review several positions and pay particular attention to the job description and requirements. Using the job description and requirements of one position researched, create a resume you could use to apply for the position. Complete your resume and submit […]


for the final project you will be expected to locate the financial statements of a company and perform a trend and ratio analysis of those statements using all the concepts you have learned in the course

For the final project, you will be expected to locate the financial statements of a company and perform a trend and ratio analysis of those statements using all the concepts you have learned in the course. Formatting and length guidelines: You should use APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines for formatting the title page (make sure […]