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2255 search results for: feed


itcc121 article summary

Instructions: Find one article on any course related topic (computer or information technology). The article should be relevant to a course topic and from a creditable source. Topics include: Computer Basics and the Internet, System and Application Software, Hardware, Input and Output Systems, Communications, networks and Security, Personal Technology, Database and Information Systems, Systems Analysis […]


quizeses cybersecurity

Social Security numbers, passport numbers, street address, telephone number, and/or email address are considered what? Question options: Sources of Privacy Protections Personally Identifiable Information (PII) Privacy Protectcion Points (PPP) Fair Information Practices (FIPS) View Feedback Question 2 2 / 2 points Which type of privacy is concerned with placing limits on the ability to intrude […]


Assignment 2 Operations Decisons

Attached is my Assignment 2 which is an extention of Assignment 1.  I’ve also attached my assignment 1 paper along with the graded rubics with the Professors Feedback (correct solutions).  


question only for wisemosez

Deliverable Length:  500 to 750 words Instructions: For the unit 3 project, you will need to include a title page, performance review form (you do not need to fill out the form), an analysis as to why you selected the criteria and weighting system on the forma, and a reference page with a minimum of […]


Unit 2 Essay

Take the “Identifying your Social Style” Inventory on page 31 of your textbook. Evaluate the results based on pages 32-       33.Share pages 32-33, along with your results, with a family member or friend and get their perceptions of your social   style. Write a short essay covering:   1. Your results.   […]


preliminary assignment 2 ethnographic fieldnotes

This is more like a note writing. Just write more information is ok, I would like you do this research on the restaurant “Jollibee” that located at 15 William Kitchen Rd, Scarborough, ON M1P 5B7, or if you have any better choice please let me know, but must around Toronto. This is a draft fieldnotes […]


Post Discussion: What Would You Do?

  Select one of the scenarios below. Discuss the ethical dilemma it presents and how you would work to resolve it. Consider professional ethics and finding a balance between paternalism and autonomy in your decision-making process.   Scenario 1:   Mary, age 83, moved into the nursing home one month ago. She is physically frail […]


student responses 3

You also need to provide two (2) feedback posts to your peers. Each feedback post needs to be 250 words or more, and should include information that helps to enhance the discussion on the topic. Do not include statements such as great work, or excellent post. Try to include info that is challenging and respectful […]


Management Assignment 1

Over the past several weeks, you have been learning the various issues the ethical and legal challenges and factors involving your organization. Your task is to compose and submit an ethical code of conduct plan for your company that addresses the conduct of its employees, vendors, board of directors, key stakeholders, as well as its […]


business communication 70

Scenario: You are a salesperson, customer service agent, or small business owner. You have received an email from a customer who is very unhappy with a recent interaction with someone from your organization and is threatening to take their business to your competitor. First, share a few details with your peers about what occurred. Then, […]