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2255 search results for: feed


implementation of change module 5 slp icloud

Module 5 – SLP – icloud Implementation of Change Module 5 marks the completion of the first draft of a literature review for your project. The assignment for this module is to complete the first draft, based on the annotated outline for it that you submitted in Module 4. By now, you should have all […]


cmrj 303 forum and responses 2

MAIN POST IS DUE ON 23 JAN 20 RESPONSES: 26 JAN 20 This week’s reading provides overview of the research on the formation of subcultures and social control theory. After reviewing the reading for week 3, as well as the week 3 discussion articles in the lesson for this week, discuss/debate with your classmates your […]


revision of applying standards 1

The iterative process in the doctoral journey is invaluable to the novice scholar. The iterative process involves the ongoing interactive participation of learner and instructor (later chair and committee) in reading, writing, specific instructor feedback, reflection, and revision. In this assignment, you will reflect on the written work you submitted in Topic 2 and the […]


eng102 mh v3 topic 2 language use

Assignment Instructions: Comic Strip or Political Cartoon Analysis Writing Assignment: Comic Strip or Political Cartoon Analysis You are required to submit the FINAL copy of this assignment, but you may first submit an optional DRAFT. This will allow you to receive qualitative feedback that can inform your revision. You should always avoid focusing solely on […]


answer 2 questions one is 250 500 words 3 pillars chose references

1. To complete this assignment, use “You Can Lead a Horse to Water but You Can’t Make Him Edit: Varied Effects of Feedback on Grammar across Upper-Division Business Students” and the guidelines for writing in the topic study materials. Write a 250-500-word summary of the article that includes paraphrases of the article, the research problem, […]


5 1 final project milestone two technology solutions and recommendations 3

This assignment is the second milestone that you will complete for your final project. This is an important practice opportunity to draft this section now and get instructor feedback that will help you improve upon your final submission. This is graded differently than the final project given this is a practice opportunity. Review the rubric […]


training accounting tools and practices 2

Hello Again! I want to do the 3-4 pages of a training manual. Develop either a training deck (12-15 slides) or training manual (3-4 pages) to ensure new hires have a solid understanding of income statements, balance sheets, and the elements that go into them. Introduction This portfolio work project will help you to not […]


powerpoint analyze a simulated case study and demonstrate the use of professional guidelines and tools to work out a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma related to a cultural conflict

Create a PowerPoint presentation of at least 12 slides that could be given in a professional context. The presentation will analyze a simulated case study and demonstrate the use of professional guidelines and tools to work out a strategy for dealing with an ethical dilemma related to a cultural conflict as well as analyze the […]


please complete the following discussion post 4

What kind of feedback regarding your management style have you gotten from your virtual Turul team during the game? How would you improve your feedback mindset and skills based on the reactions outcomes you experienced during your time at Turul Winery?