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2255 search results for: feed


econ assignment 21

Assignment #1: Forum: Your Tale of Woe This class is not easy for a lot of people. The material can seem easy to follow when you are reading it or watching a lecture, but difficult to apply to new situations in the homework or on exams… and then there are the time management and motivational […]


cp draft 2 peer review section group 3

Contexts Project Draft 2 (Project Peer Review) PART 1: Submit your CP Draft 2 Upload your paper to the discussion board below (1200 words minimum). Your draft must be an MS Word file. Now is the time to bring in more multimodal elements. Try out a footnote, add subheadings, or include a chart or graph. […]


help with Monday work

Conduct an interview and document it. During this course we have learned about organizational culture and structure, we have spoken of feedback and job types. As project that pulls together all concepts from this course you will conduct an interview. Document the interview and draw a conclusion in a short four to five sentence summary […]


Report Writing Week 8

During Week 8, you’ll complete your rough draft and submit the work for feedback from your instructor. Write a rough draft of your individual research paper (in a Microsoft Word document) and post it to the Dropbox. The rough draft must meet the following criteria: APA style heading and title on page 1 APA style […]


research rough draft

use my login to compelte, if you do not know it still please ask as these sources must be used., Hide Assignment Information Turnitin® This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin®. Instructions Task: Write a research paper using evidence to support a thesis that addresses your research question examining a current issue or event in […]


discussion 3297

Remember to review the syllabus expectations for initial discussion posts and peer replies! Discuss the following: 1. How has blockchain been successfully applied in industry and government? 2. What barriers exist in the adoption of blockchain technology. You are required to cite this week’s assigned readings in your paper. You may also cite prior week’s […]


Scenario Solution

Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in APA format detailing how a human service organization focused on providing job skills to high school dropouts would address the following: Statement of opportunity Impact of organizational structure Community and environmental factors Human resources and budget Use feedback and content from previous assignments to assist you in addressing […]



Population and Resource Limitations   Directions: In the sciences we often perform what is called a back of the envelop calculation.  Let’s ask the question: Can China sustain itself if its entire population starts eating beef?   You can do this calculation quickly with only a piece of paper and Google, but a calculator might […]


For Certified Solutions

PSYCHOLOGY 1010: CRITIQUE ASSIGNMENT   Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is to familiarize you with the way psychologists conduct research and communicate their findings to the public.  By completing this assignment, you will learn how research is conducted and presented in psychological journals.  In doing this assignment you will use your critical thinking skills […]


discussion boards amp research paper

PAD 3003 Discussion Board First, answer the discussion prompt. Then, respond to at least 2 peers’ posts. Posts are due at the end of each module with no grades for late posts. Please answer the prompt early during the module so you and your peers have enough time to respond. Keep in mind that your […]