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2255 search results for: feed


health paper

Research Project In preparation for this semester long research project, students are to select a community for this assignment. Students should select a community for which they wish to locate resources. The semester long project must have approval from the instructor. Once approval has been gained from the instructor, the student may begin collecting data […]


Final paper please read below for instructions and follow exactly.

Writing prompt American prisons have a disparate number of minority inmates in their populations. Is this  trend due to a higher rate of minority crimes or the manner in which the judicial system  operates? Research the possible answers, and defend a single cause of this disparity.    Before you submit the Final Research Paper, make […]


only research project proposal

Proposal (due 9 February) Your proposal of 1500-2000 words must a) state your aims (why do you want to do this project? what do you hope to learn?), b) state your research question(s) and/or provisional thesis, and c) include an annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography must have a minimum of 4 sources and include both […]


discussion question answer then also reply to 2 peers answers

Review the news story that you chose to complete the topic exploration graphic organizer from Theme: Understanding the Scientific Process and complete the following: Explain the article in your own words, providing a brief summary. Why did you select this news story for scientific and personal study? In other words, what was it about the […]


improve your own leadership development

reflect carefully upon your Module 1-3 Case Assignments and think about some major areas that you would like to improve upon for your own leadership development based on the self-assessments you have done so far in this class. Once you have reviewed the background materials and gained a solid understanding about the main steps and […]


a five steps project each step is due on a certain day

essay should be 3-5 pages (850-1400 words). If you include quotations or research from outside sources, please cite the information correctly and include a References page. PROMPT: Quite often a small or large technological advancement can profoundly change the way a community, nation, or the world lives. In this assignment you will use research and […]


action plan sf003 1

i just need the action plan completed? You will need to complete the attached MBA Action Plan for both SF003 & SF004 (2 separate Action Plans) for each learning objective you need to revise in each competency. Feedback from professor Learning Objective 3.2: Determine a company’s investment in accounts receivable.: NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 1 Determination of […]


assignment 1 company description and swot analysis 5

Assignment 1: Company Description and SWOT Analysis Due Week 3 In this assignment, you will create a revised company description and mission statement based on the feedback you received in the Week 1 discussion. Then, you will conduct a SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis for the type of beverage you have selected and […]


short paper 2 3 pages

Please watch the video below then write a Short Paper (APA formatted): Do you believe the Euro Zone (Euro Area) will hold together and be successful? Why or why not? What would success look like? The video specifically describes and contrasts Germany’s and Greece’s role in the union so far. Do you think Germany and […]


business analytics business plan

Business Analytics Implementation Plan Part 2 You began writing your business analytics implementation plan in Module 3. In addition, you already have gained information about the various technological solutions discussed in the previous modules. In this assignment, you will now address ways to implement the plan along with any associated costs, as this will complete […]