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2255 search results for: feed


ps topic briefing

In your discussion post address ALL of these questions (2pts). Number and label each part (so keep the bold part 🙂 so everyone knows what is what. Respond (provide constructive feedback) to at least 2 people (1pt each). TOPIC IDEA PERSONAL SIGNIFICANCE – why did you choose this topic? Why does this topic matter to […]



Your boss has chosen you to give a presentation to a number of foreign officials regarding the United States Federal Reserve System. These officials are very interested in doing business in the United States, but they would like to learn more about the Federal Reserve and how it operates as compared to the official’s home […]


gen 499 week 3 assignment

Final Research Paper Preparation Review the Final Research Paper instructions located within the Final Research Paper link in your online course or under the “Components of Course Evaluation” section of this guide. The Final Research Paper is due in Week Five. To help with the preparation of the paper, complete the following and submit it […]


ppt ethical and policy factors in care coordination nursing 1

I need the 4-5 page detailed narrative and the 3-5 sources you used. I can do the rest. Select a community organization or group that you feel would be interested in learning about ethical and policy issues that affect the coordination of care. Then, develop and record a 10-12-slide, 20-minute presentation, with audio, intended for […]


learning portfolio here

Assignment 1: Please respond to the following prompt: In chapter 4 we learn about price floors and price ceilings. In the labor market, the minimum wage is a price floor. Like every price floor, the minimum wage causes a surplus. A surplus in the labor market is called “unemployment”. Those who are unemployed as a […]



I’m looking for someone who is familar with MyAccountingLab. Tutor must finish all assignments. 2 are quizes/test taken on MyAccountingLab and one is a discussion. Will provide login upon handshake.   This assignment will consist of two parts. Part I: IPO Presentation: You work for a medium sized privately held electronics firm which is considering […]


system analysis and design 17

You have to select a topic to perform research, plan and design a business information system during the first week of this course. Refer to the business information system proposed in week 1 power point presentation (proposal was for the MIS – Marketing Information System for Giant Eagle.) Focus of the Final Paper Construct a […]


Financial Management Of Health Care Organizations

Assignment 3: Course Project Task 1—Understanding Prospective Client Organizations For this assignment, you will refer to the financial information you collected for the FP and NFP in M1: Assignment 2. You will also refer to the information on the fictional facility, Sakasegawa Memorial Hospital (SMH), for which financial data is supplied. You will use ratio […]