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2255 search results for: feed


what national and or international organizations would you want to be involved in research and promotion of solutions

One of the most important services provided by the natural world is pollination. Module 3 material explained how ecosystems are structured by trophism or feeding and the primary trophic level are the producers. Terrestrial producers are mostly trees and green plants. The honeybee, or more specifically, the European honeybee (Apis mellifera) is responsible for most […]


the complexity of eating disorder recovery in the digital age response

Directions: Respond to, two colleagues separately who identified a treatment strategy that differs from yours in the following ways: Explain whether you agree or disagree with your colleague’s treatment strategy. Explain additional cultural influences that your colleague should consider when addressing the specific eating disorder they identified. Be sure to support your post with specific […]


quality improvement project 2 1

Project 2: Promoting Health Care Quality To help you move forward with your Course Project, this week you identify a quality issue that you would like to address and submit a description of this issue for Instructor feedback. Your proposed issue should reflect a genuine need for improvement within your selected health care organization. Through […]


collaborating with human services professionals

Collaborating With Human Services Professionals For this assignment, review the collaboration scenarios in the presentations, Collaboration Scenarios – Mental Health Counselor Scatterdesk and Collaboration Scenarios – School Counselor Scatterdesk, in this unit’s study, and select then one of the scenarios. You can click on the word transcript next to the title of the media piece […]


forum responses 6

This week’s reading provides overview of the research on violent crimes, crimes against property. As well as discusses white-collar crime. After reviewing the reading for week 5, as well as the week 5 discussion articles in the lesson for this week, discuss/debate with your classmates your position on which factors you feel play a greater […]


political legal and technical decision making 4

Using the Six Steps of Decision-Making framework from this week’s content, please develop an essay responding to the following questions related to the case study The Ethics of Global Drug Pricing. Recognize decision requirement: What are the ethical issues being discussed in the case concerning drug pricing? Diagnosis and analysis of causes: Why are drug […]


discussion 3342

Vision: More than Meets the Eye (Worth 30 points)The purpose of this discussion is to ponder alternative perspectives and the ways in which our perception impacts our thinking process.Learning Objectives 3a and 5a *Please note:* This discussion forum is “post first.” In other words, you will not see the posts of your classmates until after […]


discussion post 872

This week, you were introduced to different derivative rules. Determine which rules should be used when taking the derivative of one of the functions below. For your main post, choose ONE of the functions from the list: After your selection, develop a process document (flowchart, checklist, etc.) that explains your thought process in deciding which […]



List the unique issues of multiracial group members. Explain your proposed approach for conducting research necessary to develop quality deliverables and explain how the information gleaned will support your career development in management. Please review the approach proposed by other students, providing objective feedback on opportunities for improvement. In your own words, please post a […]


reflection on culturally competent family and group work

Getting Started In this activity, you will discuss with your classmates the cultural considerations for various client populations, including any client populations you have interest in working with in the future. You will receive some feedback from your peers about how you can grow or adapt to the responsibility of being culturally competent and humble. […]