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2255 search results for: feed


descriptive statistics analysis and writeup part 2

Assignment #2: Descriptive Statistics Analysis and Writeup In the first assignment (Assignment #1: Descriptive Statistics Analysis Data Plan), you developed a scenario about annual household expenditures and a plan for analyzing the data using descriptive statistic methods. The purpose of this assignment is to carry out the descriptive statistics analysis plan and write up the […]


social work advocacy

Write up a final report of your Social Change Project. The final report should include your compiled response to assignments from Weeks 3, 8, and 9. You are expected to update and revise the papers based on your instructor’s feedback. Please include a title page, headings, and a reference page. Create a 5-7 minute PowerPoint […]


recruitment and retention 3

1) Post a substantive response to each question (minimum 250 words). Read the R&R Retention Issue Exercise “To Heck with Them!” and answer the questions at the bottom of the exercise. 2) Reply in a scholarly and substantive manner to the following two classmates with at least 100 words (Pradel) 1. Do you believe that […]


levels of prevention

PLEASE REFER TO RUBRIC TEACHER GRADING VERY STRICT USE APA FORMAT WITH REFERENCES Conduct research to address the following concerns. You can use the CDC website to find information that will help you complete the assignment, but you should include at least one other source. Requirements: Provide at least one paragraph for each question: Diabetes […]


ns420 clinical nutritional assessment

View an introduction to the Assignment here. Be sure to adjust your audio settings. Unit outcomes addressed in this assignment: Identify the basic parameters of a clinical nutrition assessment. Course outcome assessed/addressed in this assignment: NS420-3: Analyze the data gathered during nutritional counseling. Mastery level: Student work demonstrates the ability to calculate and assess BMI […]


cmst 220 outline

Informative Speech Outlines *this assignment is due at the same time as your speech so if you want feedback on your outline before the speech you will need to email it to me well ahead of time. Follow the basic outline template Actions applying your chosen speech design Actions as applicable : The document you […]


busn 491 week 2 response posts

~ This week you have the opportunity to consider different business models, and what type of product or service you would like to offer to consumers. This is your opportunity to consider gaps in the market, unserved needs, and improvements in processes that make peoples’ live better. It’s very important to gather customer data in […]


help witch post on forum and essay

This what i need one post on forum Read the short narrative essays “No Rainbows, No Roses” and “The Barn” Chose one of them and post a 200-400 word reflection responding to these questions: How did you feel about the essay overall? What sticks in your mind as most vivid about the narrative? What writing […]


2 pages apa format choose any company ex apple google tesla toyota

Potential Problems/Opportunities for the Course Project The Course Project’s focus should be on identifying a business problem or opportunity and proposing a technology solution. You will need to identify a real-life business that you are familiar with. The business must have a problem or an opportunity that can make use of an information technology solution. […]