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follow direction

Part 1: Please introduce yourself to your classmates and consider such items as name, location, current employment, future goals, family, and hobbies.Part 2: Within the Unit I Podcast, Chantell, Dayna, and Dr. Rogers discuss how technological improvements have led to an increase in remote workers and ways to connect with remote team members. Do you […]


discussion on thesis statement for apa argumnet eassay

Thesis Statement for APA Argument Essay on an Environmental Issue: Submit the thesis statement that you are planning to use in your argument paper. Explain your thesis and approach to the topic and ask any questions you might have about the clarity and/or effectiveness of your thesis. What feedback would help you refine your thesis? […]


week 5 assignment research design

A baccalaureate nurse understands, relates, and values the fundamental elements of research, process, and designs as a foundation for an evidence-based practice (AACN, 2008; QSEN, 2018). This assignment will be uploaded automatically to Turnitin upon submission to verify this is your original work and no parts were copied from another student. Turnitin is now more […]


how schools can help lower rates of teen dropout violence

nterpret information through close and critical reading. Demonstrate effective use of the writing process. Employ effective academic tone, style, mechanics, and citation method. Integrate relevant source material effectively and ethically. Support a position appropriate to the rhetorical situation. You will submit a five- to seven-page (1,250 to 1,800 word) well-structured essay that is formatted in […]


hoe to submit a final collection manager program

In this module, you will submit the final project, the collection manager program responding the recipe scenario. As you prepare your final project, be sure to use feedback from your instructor to revise your work from the final project milestones. You will also need to add a driver application to the program, such as the […]


analytical essay assignment

Essay #2 Prompt analytical essay assignment Essay #2 is an analytical essay assignment, Choose a Documentary HereLinks to an external site.… To complete this assignment, you must complete the following requirements: 1. choose a documentary from the posted list (you may NOT watch a movie that is not on this list) 2. watch the […]


3 to 5 page research paper on endometriosis

Description: Submit your rough draft of your Final Research paper for feedback. Objectives: Upload your draft paper for peer review. Solicit feedback and utilize the input in your research paper. Instructions: Using proper APA format, submit your rough draft of your Final Research paper for feedback. Assignment Submission: The use of outside resources is required, […]


fire protection 3

Questions 1 Instructions Have you ever had a surge protector short out or even catch fire? Is it critical that fire protection systems have surge protection on all electrical fire protection equipment and appliances? Is surge protection real or just an illusion? Why do you think that? Your journal entry must be at least 200 […]


criminal justice discussion question help

Watch the three (3) scenarios below and choose one (1) to use for your discussion: Probation Officer Consultation CJ in Practice: Domestic Dispute CJ in Practice: Intoxicated in Public In your discussion, identify the video scenario that you chose. Then, write a cohesive narrative that would go in the narrative section of the report that […]


week 3 832

Though our class discussion for this week is focusing on the challenges that decision-makers encounter regarding predicting a future situation, yet Janssen and Wimmer (2015) suggested utilizing systems dynamics (SD) and other systems as a modeling method and for a simulation that experts can use as a tool for simplifying a complex subject. Additionally, the […]