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2255 search results for: feed


week 5 forum post responses 7

In need of a 250 word response/discussion to each of the following forum posts. Agreement/disagreement/and/or continuing the discussion. Original forum discussion/topic post is as follows: By now, each of you have experienced one or two “ah ha” moments, where you felt that you learned an important lesson in your writing along the way. Share two […]


for milestone one submit a draft of your business problem and literature review

For Milestone One, submit a draft of your business problem and literature review. Using the problem you identified in your Module One journal and the feedback you received, describe the research problem including the context in which it exists. Using the problem statement, describe the stakeholders and research objective. Based on the research objective, develop […]


hr management 28

Replies should be approximately 100 to 150 words and you reply posts should consist of at least three of the following: Ask a probing or clarifying question. Share an insight from having read the colleague’s posting. Offer and support an opinion. Validate an idea with your own experience. Make a suggestion. Expand on the colleague’s […]


marketing assignments 3

UNIT 8 CM 107 Apply what you have learned about locating, paraphrasing, incorporating, and citing relevant and reliable secondary source information to complete the following Unit 8 Assignment: By now, you have submitted your Unit 6 Assignment. That draft of an essay analyzes a relevant change in your field of study. You also have received […]


week 8 discussion reflection

Week 8 Discussion: Reflection Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: > Lesson > Minimum of 2 scholarly sources – the following articles: Link (library article): Are We Teaching Composition All Wrong? Link (library article): No, We’re Not Teaching Composition ‘All Wrong’ Apply the following writing resources to your posts: Link (multimedia presentation): […]


discussion responses 65

Please respond to the following discussion posts Research in Healthcare Maelese C posted What I am curious about in my current professional setting is how to become an more opioid free facility. A).I suppose the the two groups I would survey would be pain patients but some that are on opioids and some that were […]


revise assignment 7 for the 3rd time it has to be done right

FEEDBACK: PLEASE MAKE SURE THAT EVERYTHING IN THE FEEDBACK BELOW IS INCOPRORATED INTO THE PAPER OR HE WILL FAIL IT! You’re off to a good start. Analyzing the Situation: Analyzes the factors contributing to the conflict, including contributors’ communication techniques and the conflict management style used for determining how these factors contributed to the conflict: […]


ap edit draft about hcp problem

The Advocacy Project: A Multi-modal Composition Like the HCP Project, the main assignment here is a multi-modal composition that uses various rhetorical positions and different types of evidence to make arguments. This one, however, is a bit different from the first in that over the course of these next few weeks, as you research and […]


discussion 2563

Please follow all of the instructions for this assignment Choose 1 of the 2 Discussion Question options below to respond to. Type either “3 Stages to Chemical Addiction” or “Substance Dependence v.s. Substance Abuse” in the subject line. 1. According to Stevens and Smith (2013), there are three stages to chemical addiction. Discuss how each […]


leadership 211

To Prepare: Review the national healthcare issues/stressors presented in the Resources and reflect on the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for study. Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post for the national healthcare issue/stressor you selected. Identify and review two additional scholarly resources (not included in the Resources for […]