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define process and metrics

This week students need to select a process improvement project to work on during this course. There are four parts to this mini-project that students will do throughout this course (read all four parts due Week 2, 4, 6, and 8 before continuing with this assignment to understand how this breaks down in the coming […]


bus 3382 job packet

Submission Types On paper Please visit the below link to see examples.… Your job package will include the following: Cover Letter: This should be tailored to the specific job/internship you chose. Address the letter to the person who posted the ad and if there is not a name listed, see if you can contact […]


implementing patient portals 1

Having a thorough project schedule, which is continually monitored and updated, is critical for a project to be successful. This assignment will build off the Unit 2 WBS and personnel chart that you created in Microsoft Project. Please open that file and proceed with the below tasks. Note you may want to review and incorporate […]


development and implementation plan

The next steps in the training process are to develop and plan the implementation of the training. Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you: Revise Assignment 3 based on your professor’s feedback. (Revision is not included in the required page count.) Examine the instructional methods and learning objectives and determine how […]


distribution and marketing plan module 4 slp

Module 4 – SLP Distribution and Marketing Plan In this SLP for Module 4, conduct the issue analysis based on the secondary and primary research results in SLPs 1-3. Then develop goals and objectives, as well as the specific marketing strategies to accomplish your task. This is the fourth step of this cumulative research project, […]


chfd220 assignment 2

Assignment 2: Popular Culture’s Perceptions of Sexuality and Elderly People Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the […]


edu 330 service learning ideas

Service Learning Ideas After viewing “Lessons from the Real World: Social Issues and Student Involvement,”research other service learning opportunities for K-12 students that promote cultural knowledge and the principles of social justice. Using the “Service Learning Ideas,” submit a list of 7-10 potential service learning projects for K-12 students. While APA format is not required […]


3 paraghraphes

The Internet Society (Links to an external site.), or ISOC, is an American non-profit organization dedicated to ethics, education, and outreach on internet-related matters. They provide free online courses on many issues related to the internet, including modules on digital footprint (Links to an external site.). For our purposes, this simple introduction will help acquaint […]


com 510 verbal communication assignment 3

VERBAL COMMUNICATION Due Week 10, worth 220 points From quick conversations to phone calls, meetings, formal presentations, and sales pitches, you must employ effective verbal communication skills at all times. While verbal interactions are extremely common, they can also be stressful. Every interaction contains the potential for success…and the danger of failure. To be “on […]


no word count hrm failure article

there is no word count, please only use the provided template created for you Note: Do not use a scholarly or popular article that discusses how to improve an HR function but rather find a news story that allows you to identify and recommend improvement. For example, an article from HR Magazine or CareerBuilder that […]