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discussion topics 10

There are 6 posts. DISCUSSION UNIT 6 MT359 Throughout this course, many Discussion opportunities come up in which you need to respond to other people’s opinions and comments. Address the Discussion topic after you have completed your reading. Unit 6 Discussion Topic: Can This Restaurant Be Saved? If there is any one industry in which […]


discussion and 2 replies 4

Having developed a definition of popular culture in the last module, this week we’re turning to how popular culture applies to you personally. This could be related to your personal experiences (such as your fandom) or things you’ve observed about those around you (for instance, how your family members interact with popular culture). Based on […]


problem statements

Problem Statements There are 5 important steps to this activity – read the instructions carefully and follow the steps as listed below. 1. Please share what you are curious about in YOUR professional setting. State your response in a Researchable Problem statement using the 5 criteria listed below. The following refers to how to write […]


i will provided the topic for this

assignment 3 VERBAL COMMUNICATION From quick conversations to phone calls, meetings, formal presentations, and sales pitches, you must employ effective verbal communication skills at all times. While verbal interactions are extremely common, they can also be stressful. Every interaction contains the potential for success…and the danger of failure. To be “on your game” at all […]


please read below 21

Task: This 4 – 5 full page (not to exceed 6 pages) Philosophical Essay you will be writing due Week 7 is designed to be a thoughtful, reflective work. The 4 – 5 full pages does not include a cover page or a works cited page. It will be your premier writing assignment focused on […]


5 step discussion post on a problem statement 1 please share what you are curious about in your professional setting state your response in a researchable problem statement using the 5 criteria listed below the following refers to how to write a

This is the Instructions : APA Format – Problem Statements There are 5 important steps to this activity – read the instructions carefully and follow the steps as listed below. 1. Please share what you are curious about in YOUR professional setting. State your response in a Researchable Problem statement using the 5 criteria listed […]


case study mr m 2

It is necessary for an RN-BSN-prepared nurse to demonstrate an enhanced understanding of the pathophysiological processes of disease, the clinical manifestations and treatment protocols, and how they affect clients across the life span. Evaluate the Health History and Medical Information for Mr. M., presented below. Based on this information, formulate a conclusion based on your […]


if customers have not visited a particular bar they have no direct knowledge of it what they do not know they don t buy or use if they do know the establishment how does management keep them

Differentiating a Service in a Highly Competitive Market Introduction In the US, retail establishments that serve alcohol are called bars. The US bar and restaurant business is one of the most competitive retail industries. There is a wide variety of retailers in the industry ranging from fast food outlets like McDonald’s to high end cocktail […]


managing groups and teams 5

MANAGING GROUPS AND TEAMS Assignment Overview Group Dynamics and Teams We will continue our experiential approach to the study of Organizational Behavior by engaging in a personal applied case on the topic of group dynamics and teams. As in Module 1, use the following outline to structure your 4- to 6-page paper. You may use […]


discussion posts to respond to

Module 2 Crisis Discussion responses LATICIA S posted It is easy for us to connect danger with crisis, but people sometimes find it hard to associate the word opportunity with crisis. Although the words opportunity & danger are 2 paradoxical terms, the 2 words make me think of the old saying “what doesn’t kill you […]