rough draft integrated literature review
Week 6 Plan of Action – Rough Draft
During Week 6, your Action Plan will focus on submitting a high level rough draft of your integrated paper. This will allow you to receive substantive, detailed feedback from your instructor that you can use to craft a polished final version of your paper for submission in Week 7.
Your rough draft should include all of the elements of the final integrated paper assignment, specifically:
- Title Page: (2 points) Includes elements identified in EOP Manual.
- Table of Contents: (3 points) Includes elements identified in EOP Manual.
- Abstract: (5 points) The abstract is limited to 200 words, and highlights the purpose, method (literature sampling strategy), major finding(s) from analyses, and conclusion.
- Introduction: (10 points) Identifies the student’s specific literature review topic, explicitly articulating a unifying, overarching theme that will guide the project.
The section should include:
- Background and contextual information related to the unifying/overarching topic.
- Definitions of major concepts and theories.
- Identification of the four core areas of psychological specialization examined in the project.
- A brief discussion of each area’s relevance to the overarching theme of the project.
- A purpose statement.
- Literature Review: (35 points) Reviews literature related to the unifying/overarching them within the core specializations identified. The focus of the literature review is to determine how the topic has been addressed in the available research literature, extending knowledge in the field by synthesizing research literature from the core areas within the primary topic. Provide a current state of accumulated knowledge as it relates to the specific topic, integrating the core specializations. Summarize the general state of the literature on the topic. The literature review section should begin with a description of the literature search strategy including (not limited to):
- Keywords used
- Databases searched
- Years included
- Results yielded
- Results excluded
The following should be included in the literature review section:
- Research studies should be summarized with detail, including the findings, how they were obtained, and any biases and limitations affecting the findings.
- Significant or noteworthy similarities and differences among core areas and the unifying theme should be highlighted.
- Provide critical analyses of available research literature.
- Conclusion that summarizes the section.
- Discussion: (30 points) Articulate the importance of the findings of the literature reviewed; explain why these findings are important to the field of psychology. Make recommendations for future research based on the literature reviewed and explain the rationale for the recommendations.
This section should include:
- Synthesis of the research literature, redeveloping conceptualizations of existing paradigms, or proposing new paradigms.
- Extending of knowledge through the integration of the literature review findings.
- Supported recommendations for future research.
- Conclusion summarizing the major elements of the project.
- References: (5 points) Includes a complete reference list, formatted to APA 6th edition standards.
- Rubric: (10 points) Additionally, attach a copy of the project rubric. Assess yourself, labeling clearly where you feel you fall on the rubric in each area for your work as it currently stands. This is intended to help you focus on the components as you will be assessed on them, to evaluate your own progress so far, and to allow you and your instructor to dialogue about where improvements are still needed.
It is expected that your work at this point will need further polishing, correction, expansion, and refinement; however, the more complete your rough draft, the more effectively you will be able to integrate feedback from your instructor.
Submit your Plan of Action – Rough Draft by Sunday of Week 6, 11:55 PM EST.
Previous assignments For reference:
Courses for integrated review
• Learning and Cognition
• Lifespan Development
• Social Psychology
• Psychopathologies
Definition of topics
• Learning and cognition: Cognitive learning in young children focuses on the development of teaching and learning styles that aid in children’s education.
• Lifespan Development: Theories of development are a range of psychological theories put forth to explain human growth and learning
• Social psychology: Violence and Aggression: Focuses on behavioral traits that are exhibited by violent individuals and individuals displaying signs of aggression
• Psychopathologies: Borderline Personality Disorder: focuses on individuals exhibiting unstable emotions, have self-image issues, and have difficulties managing their emotions.
Integrated Project Overarching theme
The overall theme of this integrated theme is an understanding of violent behavior. Over the last 5-years, mass shootings, domestic violence, femicides and homicides have been on the rise. Often, these acts of violence, especially those involving sadistic killings or unexplained mass shootings are attributed to psychopathic behavior. Perpetrators of this acts of violence are often antisocial, aggressive, or have personalities disorders. Therefore, this integrated project will examine the growth and development of these individuals and attempt to understand how such individuals develop these violent tendencies.
Learning and cognition, and lifespan development cover areas of learning and development throughout the key life stages of a human being. These topics are important for this theme as they attempt to explain at what point in life an individual is likely to learn or develop violent skills or sadistic tendencies. Social psychology and psychopathologies investigate human-human interactions and behavior and how these behavior affects or is affected by mental health disorders.
Therefore, these four topics will address two primary areas; human development and human behavior. By understanding these areas, it is possible to have an in-depth understanding of how aggressive individuals think and why they act violently. In addition, examining these individuals from an early stage is critical to identifying such individual early enough to prevent acts of violence. Therefore, the selected topics are related in their definition and analysis of human development and behavior.
Violent behavior is conditioned over time
Psych 511 Learning and Cognition – Violent individual’s early childhood experiences.
Finkelhor, D., Shattuck, A., Turner, H., & Hamby, S. (2015). A revised inventory of adverse childhood experiences. Child abuse & neglect, 48, 13-21.
Finkelhoret al. (2015) studied the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) on health outcomes including how these can be improved to better predict the behavior of children when they become adults. The impact of adverse childhood experiences has been the subject of research for a long time, and it has been shown that exposure to such experiences (e.g. violence, neglect, etc.) is associated with negative mental health outcomes. The current study seeks to explore opportunities on how to improve the ACE scale which is used to assess such adverse experiences so that it can become an accurate predictor of developmental problems. The participants included 1,949 children and adolescents between 10 and 17 years of age together with their parents/caregivers. The researchers used telephone surveys to collect data between August 2013 and April 2014. OLS regression and negative binomial regression were used to analyze the data. The findings indicated that exposure to violence, rejection, and peer victimization made ACE scale more accurate in predicting mental health problems such as violent behavior. This study added new knowledge in the area especially concerning how to improve ACE scale.
Fox, B. H., Perez, N., Cass, E., Baglivio, M. T., & Epps, N. (2015). Trauma changes everything: Examining the relationship between adverse childhood experiences and serious, violent and chronic juvenile offenders. Child abuse & neglect, 46, 163-173.
Fox et al. (2015) examined the risk factors associated with serious, violent, and chronic (SVC) juvenile offenders. A lot of research has already gone into understanding the factors associated delinquent behavior including the application of labelling theory. The current study sought to examine the impact of adverse childhood experiences in predicting delinquent behavior. Data relating to 22,575 delinquent youths from the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice was analyzed using descriptive statistics and multivariate logistic regression. The results indicated that every adverse childhood experience that a child undergoes increases the chances of developing violent behavior. The findings imply that ACE score can be used to screen and predict violent behavior in children.
Hunt, T. K., Slack, K. S., & Berger, L. M. (2017). Adverse childhood experiences and behavioral problems in middle childhood. Child abuse & neglect, 67, 391-402.
Hunt, Slack, & Berger (2017) examined the relationship between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and behavioral outcomes. A lot of research has shown that ACEs increase the risk of negative health outcomes in adulthood such as depression and substance about. However, research into the proximal link between ACEs and behavior has received limited attention, and the study aimed to fill this gap. The study used data from over 3000 children from the Fragile Families and ChildWellbeing Study. The data was analyzed using regression analyses, and findings indicated that ACEs are highly linked with both internalizing and externalizing behavior in children. The implication is that children as young as 9 are alert in terms of experiencing ACEs, and these can affect their behavior as they grow up.
Levenson, J. S., & Socia, K. M. (2016). Adverse childhood experiences and arrest patterns in a sample of sexual offenders. Journal of interpersonal violence, 31(10), 1883-1911.
Levenson & Socia (2016) studied the impact of ACEs on arrest patterns. Already, research has shown that ACEs are strongly related to development of antisocial behavior and delinquent tendencies. However, little attention has been given to specifically understanding how ACEs affect arrest patterns. The study, therefore, seeks to fill this gap. In the study, a sample of 740 young offenders (93.5% male) was used. Data was collected using surveys which were supplied in different collection sites. The data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, bivariate correlations, and logistic regression. Results showed that high rates of ACEs were associated with more arrests, and it implied that accumulation of ACEs increase the risks of developing violent behavior that leads to crime. Thus, addressing issues of violent behavior in children should focus on reducing exposure to ACEs.
Perez, N. M., Jennings, W. G., Piquero, A. R., & Baglivio, M. T. (2016). Adverse childhood experiences and suicide attempts: The mediating influence of personality development and problem behaviors. Journal of youth and adolescence, 45(8), 1527-1545.
Perez et al. (2016) examined the relationship between ACEs on social attempts, impulsivity, school difficulties, substance abuse, and aggression. It is widely known that exposure to ACEs increase the risk of developing antisocial behavior. This study specifically explains both the direct and indirect relationships of ACEs on suicidal attempts and other maladaptive personality traits such as impulsivity, social difficulties, substance abuse, and aggression/violent behavior. The study utilized data relating to 64,329 (21.67 % female) delinquent youths from the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice. Data was analyzed using generalized structural equation model (GSEM). Results showed that both individual traits and ACEs account for the development of suicidal tendencies and violent behavior. Thus, if developmental issues are identified early, they could be corrected to prevent children and adolescents from developing violent behavior.
Thomas, A., Caldwell, C. H., Assari, S., Jagers, R. J., & Flay, B. (2016). You do what you see: How witnessing physical violence is linked to violent behavior among male African American adolescents. The Journal of Men’s Studies, 24(2), 185-207.
Thomas et al. (2016) examine the impact of exposure to violence, parent expectations, peer pressure, and self-efficacy in violence avoidance on the development of violent behavior. While a lot of research has already gone into this area, the current study sought to add more information by examining the subject matter from the perspective of Africa Americans. The study used data from 553 black male adolescents from 12 schools, and data was collected using focus groups. Bivariate and multivariable analysis using SPSS and AMOS respectively were used to analyze the date. The results indicated that African American male adolescents who are exposed to violence are in high risk of engaging in violence. The implication is that parent and peer non-violence expectations and personal efficacy to avoid violence are effective in preventing the development of violent behavior.
Psych510 Lifespan Development- Violent behavior is developed from early childhood
Dan, A. (2016). Supporting And Developing Self-Regulatory Behaviours In Early Childhood In Young Children With High Levels Of Impulsive Behaviour. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (CIER), 9(4), 189-200.
Dan (2016) described the implementation of a kindergarten intervention program to increase self-regulatory behaviors in children with high impulsive behavior. Research has shown that children who lack appropriate self-regulatory skills often end up developing behavioral problems including aggression. This study, therefore, add into this field by suggesting a model for helping children overcome self-regulatory deficits as a way of correcting and preventing the development of certain antisocial behaviors. The study used a sample of 30 kindergarten teachers who filled out the Achenbach Child Behavior Checklist. Data was analyzed using correlation tables. Results showed that many children with impulsive and aggressive behavior also lacked self-regulatory skills. This implied that violent behavior develops as early as when a child is in kindergarten, and it can be corrected at this stage by improving children’s self-regulatory skills.
Eisner, M. P., & Malti, T. (2015). Aggressive and violent behavior. Handbook of child psychology and developmental science, 1-48.
Eisner & Malti (2015) examine how aggressive behavior and violence develop from early childhood into adulthood. Many theories have been out forth including Piaget’s theory of cognitive development, and they explain how certain behaviors develop right from the time a child is born until and up to late adulthood. This study takes a different turn by focusing on how aggressive behavior is developed from childhood to adulthood. Data from 654 participants who were observed for a period of 20 years was analyzed using multiple regression analysis. Results indicated that indeed certain behaviors related to violent behaviors are developed over time as they keep on accumulating and being cemented. The implication is that addressing violent behavior in children should begin from a tender age and follow through across all developmental stages.
Girard, L. C., Tremblay, R. E., Nagin, D., & Côté, S. M. (2019). Development of aggression subtypes from childhood to adolescence: a group-based multi-trajectory modelling perspective. Journal of abnormal child psychology, 47(5), 825-838.
Girard et al. (2019) examine the process of development of aggression starting from early childhood. Existing research has identified a series of aggressive tendencies that are associated with long-term maladaptive behaviors but research into the kinds of people who assume such developmental trajectories is lacking. Thus, the study seeks to establish various groups of children who develop aggressive behavior following the known developmental trajectories. A total of 787 children participated in the study. Data about these children were collected through observation and assessments from when they were born up to adolescent age. Results established five groups including high-chronic, high-desisting, moderate-engagers, low-stable, and non-aggressors. Different factors were responsible for placing children into the various groups. For example, coercive parenting was shown to increase risks of developing into moderate-engagers and high-chronic trajectories. Further, results showed that males were more likely to develop into groups with elevated aggression. The findings implied that aggressive behavior develops differently based on parenting and other factors.
Menting, B., Van Lier, P. A., Koot, H. M., Pardini, D., & Loeber, R. (2016). Cognitive impulsivity and the development of delinquency from late childhood to early adulthood: Moderating effects of parenting behavior and peer relationships. Development and psychopathology, 28(1), 167-183.
Menting et al. (2016) studied the impact parenting behaviors during late childhood and peer influence on cognitive impulsivity and delinquency in adolescent and early adulthood. This study was different from others since the latter have mainly focused on explaining the relationship between cognitive impulsivity and delinquent (violent) behavior. A total of 412 participants were used, and they were assessed every year from the age of 13 to 29 years of age. Intelligence and cognitive impulsivity, and parenting behaviors were equally assessed at age 12–13 years of age and 10 and 13 years of age respectively. Statistical analyses and descriptive statistics were used to analyze the date. Results showed that holding other factors constant, development of impulsive behaviors depended on the behaviors of parents. This implied that such antisocial behavior are learned over time since children are always in contact with parents or caregivers.
Pauwels, L., & Schils, N. (2016). Differential online exposure to extremist content and political violence: Testing the relative strength of social learning and competing perspectives. Terrorism and Political Violence, 28(1), 1-29.
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