respond to discussion response 1
Initial question:
How do critical milestones contribute to successful implementation of strategic initiatives of an organization?
APA, one reference, no title page needed 100-200 words
Respond to this:
Critical milestones can be one of the most important aspects of project planning because they are visible indicators of the projects success (Goulden, 2017). These milestones are motivating to the team and show that their is progress in their hard work. These milestones will also show potential failures in the plan that may need readjusting to be attainable. Another benefit is that the senior stakeholders who are not involved in the day-to-day functions of the project become more engaged and attentive as the milestones approach (Goulden, 2017). Some examples of milestones that should be implemented into the plan are: Completion of major tasks, initial roll out/delivery of product or service, go/no go decisions and other key decision points that will keep the organization on track, and testing. Each of these items play their own role in the strategic plan and will help decision-makers stay in line with their vision and mission of the strategy.
All these things are important in the successful implementation of strategic initiatives and will help keep the organization focused and driven toward the end goal.
Goulden, D. (2017). Milestone planning: what, why, and how. Clarizen. Retrieved from: