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The purpose of this forum is to explore the role of a team in regards to quality and process improvement. The War Room will be defined. Just about every organization has a War Room and this topic could not have been mentioned at a better time. The War Room in relation quality and process improvement will be mentioned. These significant factors affecting process improvement include; Key team parameters, engaged team performance, and the cycles of change. According to Starbird and Cavanagh (2011), the key to engaging team performance includes teamwork, collaboration and good meeting facilitation. Aristotle described quality best. He said, “Quality is not an act; it is a habit†(Quality systems design PowerPoint, 2020, slide 2). “Crosby’s definition of quality is “conformance to requirements†(Plenert, 2012). A conclusion will be drawn with the implementation of a biblical perspective. The name War room refers to, in this case the report room in my hospital. The term huddle is used as the meeting facilitation.
War Room
When a term starts with the word war, most people would immediately be put on the defensive. For this forum, Starbird and Cavanaugh (2011) uses the term War Room to describe a dedicated room for all members of the department to see the project efforts. A War Room can enable the project team to focus on its initiative. The War Room principle can include the tool of brainstorming. Brainstorming can generate a hefty number of ideas in a short amount of time and encourage team participation (Plenert, 2012). A continuous process improvement model should be used while in the War Room. The initial process improvement tools must align with the organization. Our current War Room consists of addressing teamwork. One issue in our War Room consists of the ability to provide care to the newly added 70 hospital beds coming in the fall of 2020. In addition, there will be new competition from the largest hospital organization in the state. They have acquired land to build a new hospital. Another part of the War Room discussion will be how we will gain and retain staff from an already understaffed respiratory department. Not to mention, respiratory departments around the country are having the same issue of understaffing. For a team to be effective, they should have clear goals, be result-driven, imply a standard of excellence, be competent and committed team members (Improving team performance, 2015). Performance management, can be described as the process by which a company manages its performance in line with its corporate and functional strategies and objectives (Peljhan & Marc, 2018). Key team parameters are an issue in our organization. A team should be constructed that can speak for all member’s peers (Starbird & Cavanaugh, 2011). Additionally, key team parameters should vary from 5-12 individuals, with 7-8 being the optimal number (Starbird & Cavanaugh, 2011). “Select a “diagonal slice†of team members through the hierarchy and functions, even including the curmudgeon†(Starbird & Cavanaugh, 2011, p. 84). A curmudgeon is the staff member that always has an opinion of negativity. It has been found that they can be polar once they become a real participant and actually end up being a supporter of change (Starbird & Cavanaugh, 2011). Mäkikangas et al., (2016), says, “team work engagement is conceptualized as a shared and emergent workâ€related state of wellâ€being composed of team vigor, team dedication, and team absorption†(para. 4). The observation I noticed in the War room is that the cycle of change has not been addressed and the meeting facilitations have had predetermined outcomes from my organization.
Cycle of Change
If you ignore the impact the cycle of change has on your employees and the organization, catastrophic issues will occur (Starbird & Cavanaugh, 2011). The Transtheoretical Model–a model for change, was based on the theory that people do not change their behaviors quickly or decisively, but instead behavioral change occurs as a cyclical process, with relapse being a normal part of the process (The cycle of change, 2018). The cycle of change and the grieving cycle have similarities. The phases of the cycle of change is not met or concluded at the same time by individuals. For instance, there is a doubt, disbelief, denial phase, followed by the acceptance phase (Starbird & Cavanaugh, 2011). Engaging all participants will help in the acceptance phase. Finally, confidence and anticipation should be considered successful outcomes in engagement team performance projects (Starbird & Cavanuagh, 2011).
Biblical Perspective/Conclusion
The War Room for many is society. It is the room to battle worldly sins. As individuals, we face War Rooms daily. It comes down to how we deal with these War Rooms and Yellow Stickies that provide us guidance. Post-it notes are one the best ways to display important information, but the work of God, are best explained from the Bible. When people get frustrated with work, they feel it is pointless (Keller, 2012). Many workers are frustrated by unconsummated skills and unfilled aspirations even though they may be successful (Keller, 2012). Ecclesiastes warns about being to righteous. For, Ecclesiastes 2:17 claims, “Therefore I hated life; because the work that is wrought under the sun is grievous unto me: for all is vanity and vexation of spirit†(KJV). In order to accept process improvement, it is clear that the cycle of change is a normal progression and will take place in both the grievance process and process improvement.
Improving team performance. (2015). Development and Learning in Organizations: An International Journal, 29(5), 25-27. doi:10.1108/DLO-05-2015-0048
Keller, T. (2014). Every good endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work. New York, NY: Dutton. ISBN: 9780525952701.
Mäkikangas, A., Aunola, K., Seppälä, P., & Hakanen, J. (2016). Work engagement–team performance relationship: Shared job crafting as a moderator. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 89(4), 772-790. doi:10.1111/joop.12154
Peljhan, D., & Marc, M. (2018). Total quality management and performance management systems: Team players or lonely riders? Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 29(7-8), 920-940. doi:10.1080/14783363.2016.1253464
Plenert, G. (2012). Strategic continuous process improvement: Which quality tools to use, and when to use them. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780071767187.
Quality Systems & Designs: Aligning Quality Management. [PowerPoint slides]. Retrieved from…
Starbird, D., & Cavanagh, R. (2011). Building engaged team performance: Align your processes and people to achieve game-changing business results. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. ISBN: 9780071742269.
The cycle of change. (2018). DVM 360, 49(3), S11. Retrieved from