reflections of the stories from the book clean
Reflect on one of the stories from Part I or II of Sheff’s book, Clean, (Martina, Luke, Jacqueline, and Kevin). At what point might a social worker intervene and have impact on the outcome? What multilevel systems are involved in the story that impact or dismiss the substance use issues? What are your thoughts about Sheff’s assertion that prevention and treatment services fail to make a difference in the growing issue of substance use in this country?
400 Words APA format
Sheff, D. (2013). Clean: overcoming addiction and ending America’s greatest tragedy. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. ISBN: 978-0547848655
- NASW Materials: NASW Standards for SW Practice with Clients with Substance Use Disorders
- SAMHSA Materials: Applying Substance Abuse Confidentiality Regs
- SAMHSA Materials: Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10), Other Screening Tools
- PsychCentral: Symptoms of Substance Use Disorders (Revised for DSM-5)
- Optional Textbook: Vaughn, M. & Perron, B. (2013). Chapters 4–5, pp. 49–86.
Listen and Watch
- Overview of How to Diagnose Substance Use Disorders Using DSM-5 – Time 57:34 min/Transcript
- Substance Use Assessment Series; watch videos 1-5. – Time 61:35 min (several videos, CC available as well as transcript, requires UNE login.)
- 10 Ways to Use Patient Placement Criteria to Improve Treatment-Addiction Counselor Training Series, Episode 192 of the Counselor Toolbox podcast with Dr. Dawn-Elise Snipes, Time 58:35 min. Transcript.