race and racism 6
Discussion #5: Race and Racism
Please read the article and watch the video provided in the links at the bottom of the page and then answer the following questions. (300-450 words)
While many sociologists and scientists (like famed scientist Bill Nye in the video) have argued that race is not founded on any science or genetics, racism still exists and is occurring everyday in the U.S.
- Why do you think racial prejudices still remain, even as scientific and sociological evidence argues that race is a social construct? What factors and sociological phenomena that we have discussed this quarter might help explain why racism continues?
- Why is it still so important to discuss race even if it, according to science, doesn’t exist? Does the fact that we still talk about race and that race plays a critical role in people’s lives make it somehow “real”?
Please follow the link below to watch the video:
Black In Latin America (Episode 1) Haiti and The Dominican Republic- The Roots of Division (Links to an external site.)
The Eyes of Nye S01 E08 Race (Links to an external site.)
Please follow the link to the article: