quantitative methods 1250 word critical essay entitled critique of quantitative methods journal paper
This assignment builds on your past weekly seminar papers for discussion and is concerned with critically evaluating and interpreting a business and management journal article that adopts quantitative methodology.
You are asked to interpret and evaluate the following journal paper (attached) published last year: Mikalef.P, et al. (2019), Big Data Analytics Capabilities and Innovation: The Mediating Role of Dynamic Capabilities and the Moderating Effect of the Environment, British Journal of Management, Vol. 30, pp. 272-298.
Areas for discussion within the essay are:
â—¼ Introduction: Key research gaps that the paper is trying to fill (~50 words)
â—¼ Critique of current theory illustrating incoherence, inconsistencies and uncertainties and demonstrating alternative theories and conflicting empirical evidence. You will need to look at recent journal papers to support your arguments. Please place any citations under your References. I will look favorably at citations that are not part of the original paper. References are not part of your word count. (~250 words).
â—¼ The nature of sample used in the study and an appraisal of its fit for the research question as well as its shortcomings (~200 words)
◼ The major part of your paper (~800 words) is to describe the most significant statistics in the paper and what they mean. Be discerning about the critical statistics and don’t try to put everything in. Also, don’t regurgitate material directly from the paper!
◼ Conclusions: Discuss how the researchers could have done the study differently. Here I’m looking for your creative thinking especially linked to seminar discussions of other papers during this course (~200 words).
I would like you to appraise the journal article in your own words rather than copying material straight from the paper. This will show me that you have thought about the paper deeply and developed your own understanding. This exercise is aimed at helping you deconstruct quantitative journal articles and develop a reflexive critique towards future articles you may read on your undergraduate programme. References are
â—¼Harvard Referencing Required.
â—¼References should be latest and not outdated. Preferably cite references from 2017 onward. Minimum references in bibliography: More than 10. Referencing is to be done by Harvard Referencing Style.
â—¼Provide all draft plans or notes you made while working on the plan till completion of the essay to show evidence of how it was done/completed if lecturer asks for it so i can provide it.
â—¼Word Count no less than 1250 Words and Maximum 1500 Words