Project Milestone One: Social and Behavioral Factors
Prompt: Write a short paper that describes a public health issue and the public health programs that have been implemented to address this specific issue. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Would like the public health issue to be something affecting the Northeasten USA
– Describe the public health issue, including the affected population, and the social and behavioral risk factors that are associated with the issue
– Delineate between social and behavioral risk factors that contribute to disease, and diseases that contribute to social and behavioral risk factors
– Describe the public health programs implemented to address this issue, and determine how these programs addressed the social and behavioral risk factors associated with the disease
– Determine the successes and failures of these programs, and clearly explain why you have determined them successes and failures
– Select a program that you will examine for your final project, and provide the rationale for your choice
– Substantiate your work with data and references from peer-reviewed academic journals
Guidelines for Submission: Your paper should be 4 pages in length. It should be double-spaced and formatted with 12-point Times New Roman font and one-inch margins. At least three sources from peer-reviewed academic journals must be cited in APA format.