processes for developing a literature review
Final Assignment: Processes for Developing a Literature Review
Throughout the course, you have been developing various components of your literature review. In this Final Assignment, you will pull everything together into a coherent structure. This is not an exercise in copying and pasting but in ensuring you present a smooth, well-developed process and argument.
Compile the following into one Word document making sure to incorporate any feedback you may have received from your Instructor:
- Cover page
- A literature gap: A description of the gap that you identified in the literature (Week 4)
- An annotated bibliography of all 10 articles (Weeks 6–8)
- An outline of your literature review (Week 9)
- An overview of relevant theories (Identify theories that are referred to in your literature and provide a one-page description of one theory.) (Week 10)
- References for any articles you cited (outside of the annotated bibliography)
Your Final Assignment must adhere to APA-style guidelines.