piblic adminstration current event
Public Administration in the News: For each unit, students will identify a current topic in the news related to public administration. The first part of this assignment asks students to research the topic and discuss it in the discussion board (600 words minimum). The post should include a brief description of the issue, its direct connection to public administration, its direct connection to course literature, an analysis of the issue, and a reaction to it that focuses on broader implications. Finally, the student should pose a relevant question to allow others to comment on that issue in an informed manner. Grading is based on the quality of the written analysis and question. The second part of this assignment asks students to respond to someone’s issue and question (300 words minimum). Grading is based on the quality of the reaction and ability to answer the question.
Please choose an article from a credible source if possible. And be sure to have references. Different articles that are related on the same topic can be used. Any public administration topic is fair game.