Paper Requirements: MLA format/700 words/Proofread and edited/ Graded on your ability to ANALYZE the writing of author, and your ability…
Paper Requirements: MLA format/700 words/Proofread and edited/ Graded on your ability to ANALYZE the writing of author, and your ability to COMMUNICATE your analytical ideas in your essay
Paper Outline
1st Paragraph: Hook/Introductory Paragraph/Thesis
Next Paragraph(s): A Summary of Article (Who is the author, what is he/she writing about, to whom is it written for, and why was it written?) The summary does not include your opinions or analysis of article. Your summary should explain the article’s rhetorical situation: the author’s name and the title of the article, the purpose of this article, the author’s tone (personality) and voice (attitude toward the topic), the audience for which the paper was written, and the context (academic, professional, civic, or personal)/Medium (print, website, talk, etc.)/Genre (political, humorous, academic, etc.)
Next paragraph(s): Analysis of Rhetorical Appeals (Ethos, Logos, Pathos) How effective is the author in communicating his/her message and persuading his/her audience? Use specific examples (direct quotes) from the article to prove your analysis.
Concluding Paragraph: Summary of your analysis of the author and the article. Could include any suggestion that might make this paper more effective.
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