organizational behavior analysis 21
I need help correcting a paper
I will attach it. Here is the question and my feedback to what needs to be corrected. It is underlined.
After a lengthy hiring process, you have been hired as a consultant for NoJax Inc. NoJax is an upstart sports apparel company that has been growing quickly. Their senior management team needs an outside, objective eye to analyze the organizational behavior of the business. Start by viewing the NoJax Company Background document and then write a report to ownership that provides an initial analysis of the business and completes the requirements below.
Your report should accomplish the following:
- After viewing the employee profiles section, explain a minimum of two observations that you’ve made (positive or negative) on the micro level and their potential impact on the organizational behavior of the company. Pay particular attention to surface level diversity instead of the personality scores.
- After viewing the employee profiles section, explain a minimum of two observations that you’ve made (positive or negative) on the meso level and their potential impact on the organizational behavior of the company. Think about possible groups that may work together and consider potential behaviors.
- After viewing the company policy section, explain a minimum of two observations that you’ve made (positive or negative) on the macro level and their potential impact on the organizational behavior of the company.
- Provide an opinion on the level of dissimilarity (high, medium, or low) that you see within NoJax’s surface level diversity. Explain if you believe the current level has a positive or negative impact on organizational behavior and detail how you came to that conclusion.
My feedback:
Glad to see your work on this topic, please see specific comments below. Doing well, with a couple areas that need further detail. Review the module for further information and resubmit when you are ready.
Correctly identifies two micro level organizational behavior factors and analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between factors and behaviors. Score 4 You shared specific examples and a clear connection to the behaviors.
Correctly identifies two meso level organizational behavior factors and analysis demonstrates a thorough understanding of the connection between factors and behaviors. Score 4 At the group level, you provided specific factors that may influence behaviors. These factors may ultimately shape the effectiveness of various groups at a business.
Correctly identifies two macro level organizational behavior factors but provides no analysis of their impact. Score 2. Your reasoning in this area is broad leaving the connection between factors and behaviors. For example, why is the academic qualifications bringing a negative impact/why is there low efficiency? Look to explain your ideas in full.
Does not examine surface level diversity for dissimilarity. Score 1. While you do make an opinion, you don’t share what you have based it on. What is bringing you to this opinion? Be specific about how those ideas impact the performance and why it does so.