op ed blog post
3 pages double spaces MLA
Make sure you use readings and real world examples
Please make sure you read everything below carefully, do not misunderstanding the requirements again.
You can check the example and rubric. The lecture and reading are in the folder.
The tone and content should be directed towards a public audience, so you don’t have to use academic jargon.
This week’s readings center around the question of whether people are naturally violent or not and whether, despite what it may seem like when reading the news, the world is getting less violent. The authors of several of the readings disagree with one another, and public debate on this issue has been very prominent in the last several years.
Based on the readings, your assignment is to write an op-ed/blog post of
making an argument for why the world is OR is not getting less violent, (Pick your side) and how this should shape our thinking about the world and/or policy prescriptions that you think should be adopted by governments, non-governmental organizations (like Oxfam or the International Rescue Committee), or international organizations (like the UN).
The tone and content should be directed towards a public audience, so you don’t have to use academic jargon.
Your piece should
1. Present your own argument
2. Summarize key elements of the debate
3. Provide evidence to support your argument from readings and real-world examples
4. Offer clear takeaway points or prescriptions for thinking or policy based on your argument
5. Cite pieces