only research project proposal
Proposal (due 9 February) Your proposal of 1500-2000 words must a) state your aims (why do you want to do this project? what do you hope to learn?), b) state your research question(s) and/or provisional thesis, and c) include an annotated bibliography. The annotated bibliography must have a minimum of 4 sources and include both scholarly and non-scholarly sources in addition to the primary text(s) you are studying; for example, if you are writing about the historical significance of The Godfather, you need at least one non-scholarly source in addition to the film itself. Each annotation must include a) a brief summary of the content of the source, b) an evaluation of the source itself (its aims and effectiveness), and c) an evaluation of how the source will be useful to your project. The last is perhaps the most important. You do not need to do a full annotation for the primary text (s) you are studying, especially if there are several of them; for example, if you are analyzing the work of a YouTuber, you do not need to provide three paragraphs for each of their videos. Instead, you should annotate four sources that will help you analyze their work (including one scholarly and one non-scholarly source). If you have already found a lot of secondary sources and annotating each would take you over 2000 words, you can simply choose the four most important for full annotation. Please list all of the sources you anticipate using, however, and if you can provide a sentence or two of annotation for the other sources, this is helpful for the instructors when giving feedback (but is not required). Although the annotation style (i.e., what the three paragraphs contain) follows MLA conventions, you can format bibliographic citations in any style you choose (APA, MLA, etc.); just be consistent. Your proposal will be graded on the care with which you have found and evaluated sources and on the development of the research question/thesis (though it is understood that this may change as you work more on the project). See this page for examples of annotated bibliographic entries: The first is the MLA-style annotation required for this course (although your annotations can be shorter than those in the example). See rubric online (click on the drop box) for details on the goals and assessment of the assignment. It is recommended that you read the A-range and D-range descriptions of each grading criterion.