oedipus rex literature writing 02
Remember that thoughtful analysis, complete sentences, a formal style, and use of quotes and textual evidence are the basis for your grades.
Read :Oedipus Rex 100-135
Write at least one paragraph–5-7 sentences–in which you address each of these questions. You should have a total of at least 3 paragraphs, word count at least 500. You don’t have to have all the answers to all the questions and sub-questions. Just use each of the three prompts to help you think deeply about Oedipus Rex:
- Think about an element of this play that repeats–a symbol, a phrase, a theme, etc.
- Write about the effect of this repetition for you as a reader.
- Write about how these repetitions “add up” to something meaningful in the play.
- Reflect on one of the elements of tragedy from (Tragic Elements in Classical Theater and Understanding Oedipus Rex in Terms of the Incest Taboo, Boundary Crossing and Identity)
- whether it be the character (how does Oedipus fulfill Aristotle’s notion of a tragic character?);
- or plot (remember what Aristotle says about the ordering of events in the tragic plot
- or emotion (what makes this play evoke pity and fear?), etc. Refer to a specific line or lines or scene in the play that you are focusing on.
- Think about what Terry Eagleton said about the boundary-crossing that occurs in Oedipus Rex:
- what kinds of boundaries does Oedipus cross?
- Which ones (if any) are acceptable? Why?
- Which ones (if any) are abominations? Why?
- Remember that Eagleton says something about how even Oedipus’s answer to the Sphinx crosses the necessary boundaries set up by generations (he creates a single image of “man” to talk about an entire life cycle, which is one of the problems evoked in the incest taboo.)