need your opinion 19
Read each part and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree with it
- Evaluate the meeting of lead based on the definition of go, travel, guide, using a criminal justice organization as a point of focus.
- I believe that leaders in police setting need to “lead” by example. This would mean not just telling officers how they should operate but taking the initiave to interact with those they work with. Showing them their goals and ways to ascertain them is a far better leadership style. Go, travel, and guide to me is for a leader to take charge and show thier workers what they want.
- Describe the role of leadership based on values as the stage for action.
- The role for a leader is to take charge but also to teach those who work under them.
- Explore the role of leadership in operationalizing goals to release the energy.
- The goal in this sceanario would be following up. A leader can set as many goals for their department but actually following through and making sure their officers are meeting goals to get to that level is ulitmately up to that leader.
- Determine how the actions of leaders, specific to values and goals, affect what individuals do within an organization.
- Actions speak louder than words. A leader can tell someone what to do all they want but taking the time to show a department what their goals are and actually taking an interest in small victories really sets leaders apart who really want success and care about what they do.
2.Evaluate the meeting of lead based on the definition of go, travel, guide, using a criminal justice organization as a point of focus. Leaders in a criminal justice organization such a probation must make decisions that balance the goals of the organization, the expectations of the courts, the success of the clients, and the goals and individual abilities of the officers. The most effective leaders will see a perpetuation of personal and professional goals in tandem with organizational success. Describe the role of leadership based on values as the stage for action. Leaders must lead by example. Their interactions within the organization and community must be ethical. Providing feedback to the employees that is not deficit based will create an environment of mutual success and perpetuate overall success. When employees see a leader demonstrating positive values such as respect and accountability, they are more likely to replicate that behavior.Explore the role of leadership in operationalizing goals to release the energy. When setting goals for an organization, the leader should present the overall goal is a set of stages of achievement. These stages will create more opportunities for success for employees. While maintaining focus on the long term goals, they can measure progress in stages of success. These successes will breed a sense of achievement and an investment in the long term goals of the organization.Determine how the actions of leaders, specific to values and goals, affect what individuals do within an organization. When employees see a leader taking short cuts they will inevitably take the same short cuts. When they see a leader compromise their integrity in the name of meeting a goal, they will see this as an option in their own professional development. In turn, when a leader demonstrates consistency and commitment to achieving goals in a positive and ethical manner, their employees will see that doing things the right way will gain success.