need 2 responses 100 words min for each
I can agree to your opinion about change especially in the sense of motivating others to do so. In my family we like to use others success as examples and reasons why someone else should change. In the same breath we would use the failures for the same reason. I feel that change should be something just as natural as ageing, i.e. getting older. When we do things that society deem as “normal” when stunting growth or change, I think we stop the natural processes that my faith says I am believing God to do. Speaking on a spiritual level growth and change has always been encouraged. What are your opinions when paralleling spirituality with growth?
I think pairing spirituality with growth is important personally. However, this can be complex when applied to an organizational standpoint since everyone holds different beliefs and perceptions on spirituality and organizations cannot impose that on their people. I do believe that organizations should encourage an open environment where individuals can share their perceptions and hopefully influence others and encourage growth on an individual and organizational level. This also creates an open environment where employees can get to know one another as well!
You mentioned a valid point that individuals need to visualize success and to keep motivated towards the overarching goals. Communication is fundamentally vital from the change agent and the teams of employees to successfully implement the changes needed to remain relevant and profitable. Employees are the heart of any business; without them, the day to day operations would not get done. As the change agent, the approach to the situation, development, and execution should be calculated to avoid costly mistakes. The employees should be engaged with the changes to support the buy-in. When the employees are buying to the changes, the likeliness of success is significantly higher. When all parties participated and communicate through the changes, the collaboration removes barriers that will impact the overall success of the changes.
I totally agree with your analogy on the need for change and the barriers of change. Change is growth and growth is advancement through life. Complacency or “the comfort zone†is the major barrier for change. As you stated the mice were prepared for change. They monitored the cheese everyday because they knew it wouldn’t always be there (Blanchard, 1988). Hem and Haw got complacent and weren’t prepared for change due to the unknown. This mindset will always hinder progression. As with Mrs. Ernestine, her change was the death of her sister (Harvey, 2018). That dramatic event was a barrier and motivation. As you stated “one should keep visualizing and planning for the expected success, and keeps working hard towards the success until one gets it.
Basically I need 2 responses to response those 2 post, 100 min words for each