my question is below 1
Write a 350-500-word reflection on the below topic. Include screen saved picture or copy the results of each and save to a word document to verify that you completed these three surveys or show documentation for any alternates.
The purpose of this assignment is to explore your personality type a bit. If you have had a personality assessment recently, you may share that (as long as you can show/report the results) or you can take these two FREE online surveys. To be honest, these are only a guide and should not be considered the only source of valid information about your personality. However, all three of these combined contain many of the same or similar questions you would find on more extensive tests (e.g. Myers Briggs, for example). Give these a try and then reflect on whether the results are similar or different across both? Why would that be? Do the results sound more like how you perceive yourself to be or is it completely different? What do your friends think? Did you learn anything about yourself?
Have fun! (And be careful to avoid phishing or malware!)