literacy reflection listicle
Purpose :The goal of writing the reflection is to describe experiences that you think have been essential in shaping your reading and writing identity, i.e. experiences that have a significant influence on current attitudes, habits, and behaviors when you are composing a text. With this in mind, we can highlight some primary purposes: First, articulating these ideas will help you gain greater self-awareness, establishing a starting point of sorts so you can identify a direction that can lead you towards growth and stretching of boundaries.Second, it will communicate some valuable context and insights to me, your instructor, so that I can better respond to your writing. Thus, you are writing for yourself and your instructor.
Genre :Documents that aim for reflection come in many forms and will differ based on the context. We’ve already identified the purpose and audience for this literacy reflection. Regarding genre and form, your task is to communicate your reflection in the form of a listicle. As described by Okrent, in her essay “The listicle as literary form,†the listicle is an attractive genre due to its “predictable structure.†Each item in the list should have a subtitle, include reference to one or more specific experiences and be distinct from the other items. No outside sources are required. • Form of the project should apply listicle conventions (include brief intro/outro)
800 min words
Title (Top ___ Experiences that…) or some variation
Listicle number (from 7-11)