linguistic writing article review essay
Read ONE!! of the posted articles (references below) on child language development and write a 3 page (double spaced) , word count at least 1000. summary that answers the following questions:
- (i) Give a full APA style citation for the article. (5 points)
- (ii) Summarize the article in a page or two. (15 points)This should give a clear and reasonable summary of the article for an audience that has not read the article. Be sure to include the research question(s), who the participants were, a brief summary of the methodology and the findings.
- (iii) Explain how this article specifically intersects with the relevant topic we have discussed in class or you have read about in the text. (15 points)E.g., How does this article shed light on the topic? Does it help clarify the topic? Does it make the topic seem more complex? (These are just some example questions to think about.)
- (iv) Finally, explain why this article is/is not interesting to you. (15 points) Does it help with thinking about other areas of the course or other courses that you have taken? Is the topic something that you’d want to pursue further? Why or why not?
You will submit your article review by the due date via a hard copy turned in during class.
Ramscar, M., Dye, M., & Klein, J. (2013). Children value informativity over logic in word learning. Psychological Science, 24(6), 1017-1023.
Warlaumont, A. S., Richards, J. A., Gilkerson, J., & Oller, D. Kimbrough. (2014). A social feedback loop for speech development and its reduction in autism. Psychological Science, 25(7), 1314-1324.
Xu, Fei, & Tenenbaum, Joshua B. (2005). Word learning as Bayesian inference: Evidence from preschoolers. Proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 27, 2381-2386.